I am 39 year old female who has had psoriasis for 25 years.
For last 15 years I have taken methotrexate and it has been under control.
About 6 weeks ago I had a terrible throat infection and broke out in guttate psoriasis from head to toe which I have never had before - over 80% coverage
I managed to start phototherapy very quickly and have had 11 sessions so far (which I know isn't that many)
Since starting phototherapy, the redness / scaliness has all completely gone away and I am left with purpley brown flat patches everywhere which are showing no signs of shifting.
How do I know if the phototherapy is still working? I feel like these patches could now by hyper pigmentation since all the red and scaliness has gone.... but how would I know? I'm taking daily pictures so I can monitor and in the last week, there is no change - if anything the patches look darker.
I know this is vain, I turn 40 in 6 weeks and am going on holiday in 3 weeks with lots of friends to celebrate. To say I am devastated about how I look is an understatement and I just want it gone, I look like a leopard
I have cut all processed food, no alcohol, no dairy, still taking MTX, added in Vitamin D.
Posted Fri 2 Aug 2024 09.18 by rapture83
I’ve got guttate p and had it for about 12 years now, I’ve tried just about everything, I’m starting Ciclosporin on Monday for a few months and if that doesn’t work moving onto bio injections which I’m delighted about, it’s been a long road of trying everything to get to this point which includes UVB treatment along the way.
What can I say about UVB, basically it’s fantastic! I was put on it for 12 weeks at my local hospital, thankfully my hospital is 5 mins away from my house so it was easy to make the 3 sessions per week, still a pain but not as bad as some others who travel miles. Basically you will start off under 1 min, so you’re basically in and out, it’s to make sure your skin doesn’t burn! As the weeks go on your time increases, by the time I got to week 7ish I was up to 3 mins, after the 12 weeks they gave me and extra 2 weeks to try and clear some parts of my legs (they take the longest to clear strangely) basically it just about completely cleared me bar the odd patches here and there but after I stopped a few months later it gradually came back, it’s not returned to my back or chest tho, I had the treat last year.
So yes it will most likely work for you but please remember it’s not a full time fix, your P will come back after treatment but it will give you several months of freedom and a nice tan :-). I would recommend buy a UVB unit if you can afford one to continue your treatment, I couldn’t afford it as they are like 1k but I do plan to get one at some point as it really is the best treatment.
I’ve started taking sub beds at my local tanning saloon once, sometimes twice a week which is helping me along with my enstillar foam but hoping these new meds on Monday can clear me so I no longer need a sub bed or enstillar.
I think bio injections are the most successful form of treatment, almost guaranteed to work and the most healthy as there are no side effects or pressure on organs in your body but sadly you need to go through every single treatment before you get to that point, it’s took me around 5 years in total just to paint you a picture.
Defo go for UVB if you can, it will work and you’ll be happy for a bit, it’s worth it just for that! Good luck!
Posted Fri 2 Aug 2024 09.21 by rapture83 (edited Fri 2 Aug 2024 09.24 by rapture83)
Sorry I just read that you’ve already been 11 weeks into it, apologies! From what you describe is exactly what mine did, your patches will start to get skin colour soon! Not all patches will though! Some of mine, mainly the large ones on my thighs and some on my leg were a very light pink/white but obv 100 times better than bright red. Sounds like it’s working, you’ll need a few more weeks tho. I think your dermo will be the same as mine in that they’ll give you a certain amount of weeks and can give you an extra 2 if they think it’s needed which in your case it sounds like will be needed, sounds like your almost there tho!
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