changing my diet???

Posted Thu 20 Apr 2017 22.48 by jadejones

Hi all, I have had psoriasis for about a year now and I am really not coping very well with it. Physically it has got so bad on the back of my legs that it is even painful to sit down and it has completely ruined my confidence and self esteem. I am current having the light therapy but it does not seem to be working anymore, I have heard that changing my diet could help it a lot. Does anybody have an tips or tricks that they have tried with their diet? Thank you in advance!!

Posted Sun 23 Apr 2017 02.43 by Slipit1

Hi, Question, how did you find out you actually have it? Were you diagnosed? where and how did it start for you? I had this pock mark like rash start on the backs of my arms and then spread like a disease to the fronts and backs of my legs then my back and now my head which sucks!! Sorry...I have been to two dermatologists and still have yet to be diagnosed but I am fairly certain I have some form, this started this past January when I was sick for like 4 weeks, no flu but just that lingering cough and tickle. It is all about your immune system working overtime from either being sick or have a condition that may have knocked it out of wack. I have read so many forums that basically tells horror stories about using every cream and UV treatments and steriods and not one person has gotten rid of this for good....I cant believe this is out there and people have been suffering for so long and until we get it you would never know. I started taking d3 and have been using 10 different creams easily...I will say that coconut oil gives great relief on the scalp and dry areas. Of course diet will help because of getting rid of the crap and helping your immune system. apologies for the run on.

Posted Thu 27 Apr 2017 17.37 by ShabbyClown

Things you should omit or limit on your diet Alcohol. Junk foods. Red meat. ... Dairy products. ... Nightshade plants. ... Citrus fruits. ... Gluten. ... Condiments. Eating healthy and taking vitamins will help clear your skin.

Posted Sat 29 Apr 2017 13.03 by sugarfree

All I did was cut out sugar and natural fruit juice but not fruit itself and I was immediately about 50% better and following a few weeks and months I am now 98% better. Do please see Dr Myhill is a proper doctor but also listens to patients. I bought this book to support her and out of curiosity because I known slim people can still get Type 2 Diabetes and I wanted to make sure I didn't get this on top of Psoriasis and found a way of virtually curing my Psoriasis. Do let me know how it goes for you. Stephanie Email is:- I also feel much better mentally. My mind was getting to be a bit fuzzy.

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