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The Psoriasis Association is the leading national charity working for people with psoriasis and all donations received help to sustain our work in supporting people affected by psoriasis, raising awareness of the condition and funding research projects.

We are reliant on donations to be able to continue with our work so, as you can imagine, the efforts of those who agree to raise funds on our behalf is very much appreciated.

We are truly amazed by people’s efforts and different ways they support us!

Whatever the event, we can provide you with promotional materials, sponsorship forms if required and a t-shirt or running vest. Every pound makes a difference and helps the Psoriasis Association support people with psoriasis, their families and carers.

Get some inspiration by taking a look at some of the challenges our current fundraisers are taking on, as well as those that have been completed by past fundraisers. Don't forget to check out a few fundraising event ideas too!

How to Fundraise For Us

Already have a challenge in mind? Setting up a fundraising page with JustGiving couldn't be easier; simply click the button below to get started.

Not sure where to start? Get in touch with us for one-to-one support. Call us on 01604 251 620 or email us at to receive your free fundraising pack.

Current Fundraisers

Check out what some of our current fundraisers are doing! If you’d like to show your support for their efforts, just click on the names below to visit their online fundraising pages and donate. For more inspiration, have a look at our fundraising ideas.

#PsoTeam - London 10k 2024

We took to the streets of London once again this year for the London 10k! The event took place on Sunday 14th July. Thank you to all our amazing runners for your participation and fundraisers - we are extremely grateful!

Our Pso Team London 10K JustGiving page is still live if you'd like to make a donation - thank you for all your contributions so far!

You can read about some our #PsoTeam runners below.

This summer, the Hawkins Family - Robert, Penny, Will and James will be taking on the London 10K as a team to raise awareness for the Psoriasis Association. Follow their journey and visit the Hawkin’s JustGiving page to donate.

Although not a huge lover of running Clotilde F, is challenging herself to run the London 10K as part of the #PsoTeam. Clotilde was diagnosed with nail psoriasis at age 6, which developed into psoriatic arthritis, in her late teens. After finding the right treatment, Clotilde lives life comfortably and pain-free. You can donate to her JustGiving page here.

Hayley and Wayne S will be participating and raising funds for the Psoriasis Association. Hayley and Wayne are running to show support for their son (aged 12) who was diagnosed with Psoriasis, and others living with the condition. Check out the link to their fundraising page here.

Ben W (@benjiscouse) will also be running for The Psoriasis Association. Ben is hoping to raise awareness about the condition, so more people understand it better. By being involved in our community and hearing others stories, Ben takes comfort in knowing he is not alone on his journey. His fundraiser is here.

Emma J and Darren S are supporting one another and running the 10K together. Emma has had psoriasis since the age of 18 and hopes that raising funds will allow research to continue into new treatments. Visit their fundraising page here.

Mark B, Sophie L, Sam D, Amy D, Tom E, Peter H, Sarah E and The Lawrence-French family; VanessaAlanDamian Ethan will also be part of the #PsoTeam London 10k team and hitting the streets in July.

If you're interested in taking part and raising awareness for the Psoriasis Association please email

John's Manchester Half Marathon

John has decided to push himself and run the Manchester Half Marathon this October at the age of 51.

John has lived with psoriasis all his life and would like to raise money for The Psoriasis Association as the charity is important to him.

Read his story and donate to John’s fundraiser via the link.

Jade’s Great South Run

Jade is completing The Great South Run in Portsmouth in October. Jade will be running through iconic landmarks to raise awareness about psoriasis as a condition.

Jade wants people to understand psoriasis is more than just a skin condition, and it can affect people physically and psychologically.

Visit Jade’s fundraising page for more information and to make a donation.

Ben & Greg Climb Ben Nevis

Ben and Greg took on the incredible challenge of climbing Ben Nevis. Not only did they tackle the highest peak in the UK, but did so whilst each carrying a bag of cement.

At the age of 23, Ben was diagnosed with psoriasis and the pair are determined to raise funds for the Psoriasis Association to aid ongoing research and provide support to individuals affected by the condition. You can still donate to their JustGiving page here.

Well done to Ben and Greg and thank you for your wonderful efforts!

Kerry & Nicole's Karaoke Night

Kerry and Nicole hosted a fun-filled karaoke night to raise money for The Psoriasis Association, as the charity is very close to their hearts.

They successfully met their fundraising goal of £500, allowing us to continue our important work.

Thank you to Kerry, Nicole and all those involved, we are super appreciative of your efforts. You can read their story and make a donation to their JustGiving page here.

Team Hales Raffle and Walk

Hales at Bury St Edmonds celebrated their Managing Consultant - Charlotte’s 20 year work anniversary on May 1st 2024.

In aid of their celebrations, the team chose to fundraise for the Psoriasis Association as Charlotte is affected by the condition hugely on a day to day basis.

The team pushed themselves to walk a combined 2 MILLION steps throughout the month of May and also hosted a raffle to raise funds for The Psoriasis Association,

A huge thank you to Team Hales! You can visit their JustGiving page here

Jason's Jurassic Coast Walk

In aid of his daughter who lives with psoriasis, Jason took on a mammoth of a task and completed the 100km Jurassic Coast Walk on May 18th.

He has exceeded his target, and Jason's JustGiving page is still live and accepting donations.

Thank you Jason for this incredible effort. Time to rest those sore feet!

Chris' Half Marathon

Chris completed the Leeds Half Marathon in May 2024 to express his support for the Psoriasis Association. His close family has dealt with the impact of psoriasis, affecting both their physical and mental well-being.

Thank you Chris for your huge effort and amazing achievement.

Head over to Chris' JustGiving page to read the full story and make a donation.

The Derm Dollies Kiltwalk

The DermDollies completed their Kiltwalk on Sunday 28th April, absolutely smashing their target and raising £1,118 for the Psoriasis Association.

They are formed of a group of dermatology nurses who care for people living with psoriasis everyday and walked 14.1 miles from Clydebank to Balloch, Loch Lomond 🚶

We want to say a huge thank you and well done to them!

Check out their fundraising page.

Mark's 1,000,000 Step Challenge

From January to April, Mark Davies walked 1,000,000 steps to raise money for the Psoriasis Association.

He completed his challenge despite facing a flare up of Palmar-Plantar Psoriasis on his feet and hands and has raised £150.

Thank you Mark for your determination!

You can still donate to his challenge here

Jack's Brighton 10K

Jack ran the #Brighton10k in April in an amazing time of 56 minutes!

His efforts have raised £170 for the Psoriasis Association. Thank you Jack 👏

Get Some Inspiration!

Looking for some inspiration? Why not browse the gallery below and take a look at some of the different challenges that our fundraisers have recently completed.