Guttate Psoriasis

Posted Wed 27 Nov 2013 15.41 by treeman
Just diagnosed

Hello everyone, my first post here. This time last week I was only vaguely aware of psorasis. Then, on Friday morning, I noticed a few spots. By lunchtime it was a rash on most of my torso. Then the spots merged to form something that looks like severe sunburn. It's now started to blister and peel. I'm covered from above my elbows to below my knees. My ears were red hot for a couple of days and have peeled. The out of hours doctor suggested I had Pityriasis Rosea but the rash didn't look the same as pictures on the web. On Monday I vivited my GP who diagnosed Guttate Psoriasis. Does my description sound like Guttate Psoriasis? I'd like to be sure it's not something else. In the meantime I have been given somthing to moisturise the rash.

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