Anthisan - relief from insect bites

Posted Sat 14 Jul 2018 20.19 by Emma

Before I was diagnosed with psoriasis I used Anthisan when bitten by mosquitos or insects and was happy with the results. I have just used it on a bite and got what I think was a mild allergic reaction. The Anthisan patient advice note states not to use if you have eczema but there is no reference to psoriasis. Has anyone with psoriasis used Anthisan with success? Can anyone with psoriasis recommend a product or way of coping with a mosquito / insect bite, sting or nettle rash?

Posted Sat 14 Jul 2018 21.17 by OhNo_NotAgain?

The guidelines for Anthisan say "Don't apply the cream to raw, broken, cut or grazed areas of skin, or skin that is sunburnt or affected by eczema." Given all that list - I suspect that it might be advisable not to use it if you have psoriasis - most forms of psoriasis would give symptoms covered by the list raw, broken, cut or grazed. I don't know if the recommendations are general for antihistamine creams, or because of the specific ingredients in Anthisan. Here is a mention of alternatives to try: You could also try asking your local pharmacist for advice (if you cannot see your GP)

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