Best Treatment I Have Found

Posted Fri 25 Jan 2019 00.36 by EnlightenUp (edited Fri 25 Jan 2019 00.39 by EnlightenUp)

I wanted to take the time to share something that I found really helps with my psoriasis. Around the age of 25, I started to get periodic plaques on the usual body areas... Scalp, elbows, knees etc. They would be dime sized or smaller and would usually resolve on their own. Around the age of 30 I started getting larger and more persistent plaques. They also started popping up in new areas that they hadn't previously as well as some mild inverse psoriasis. I tried everything outside of biologics/systemic drugs. Steroids would work temporarily but the issue would return once I stopped the course. Calcipitrone worked as a longer term solution but also caused irritation and after awhile it failed to control the issue. So I started to seek out alternative therapies. I wanted something that was as effective as steroids without the skin thinning and other side effects. I started to look into vitamin D and its role as an immunomodulator. Vitamin D creams have long been used to treat psoriasis (such as calcipitrone). I got to thinking that it might make sense to cut out the preparations and derivatives... just go straight to the source. Vitamin D. So I started looking around for anything on the internet where people had tried it or where studies had been done. I couldnt find much of anything specifically on transdermal application of Vitamin D oils. I found a study that showed Vitamin D3 oil could indeed be absorbed through the skin and increase serum blood levels. But no mention of the use of D3 oil to treat psoriasis. All I saw were cream preparations of the prescription variety or other concoctions. I decided to give it a shot. I bought a bottle of 5000 IU Vitamin D3 capsules from my local pharmacy. It cost about 10 dollars. When I got home, I used a needle to puncture the capsule and squeezed the oil inside directly onto the plaques/areas. Within one day, the affected area showed dramatic improvement. I couldnt believe how fast it responded. After a week I could barely see where they were. The scalp was a little more stubborn but everything else showed a huge change. I found it interesting that such a simple, cheap, natural, SAFE solution could fly under the radar. Then again, considering the capitalistic society we live in, I wasnt surprised. In summary- try using Vitamin D3 capsules by puncturing them to apply the oils directly to the psoriasis. I hope it helps others like it has me.

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