Comes and goes

Posted Fri 31 Oct 2014 22.09 by Jaydee14
I have dealt with since I was in my teens and have flare ups now and then.

Hi all, I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was in my teens after having most creams I was then referred to dermatology who confirmed a psoriasis diagnosis. I've always had it in the same place on my pubis and top of my thighs no where else which is quite bizarre! Anyway I've not had it for a number of years all of a sudden its back and worse as ever now I don't know why but it's really flared up nasty silvery patches. I found the tar stuff they gave when I was kid wasn't very good and to be honest is stunk aswell! When I was younger and always had it I found it went when we went on holidays to Greece completely and wouldn't return for a while and also when I was older the sunbeds cleared it. Anyways I've been the doctors and they gave me dovobet as this is a treatment I've been using it a few days and found it's calming down now. Does anyone else suffer with it now and then and in the groins region?

Posted Fri 26 Feb 2016 19.54 by KennyKen
Psoriasis on face

I've been getting psoriasis on my face since November 2015, so not very long and not in the same place but like you it's coming and going week on week off almost like clockwork... Doctor has put me on a cream called Fucibet, from Leo and might be the same brand as your dovobet (white package Lion logo). I apply quite a lot of the Fucibet on my face and it seems to calm the swelling. I'm hoping when Summer comes it will go away...

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