seems I've always had it but only just diagnosed (poss due to menopause??)

Posted Thu 6 Nov 2014 23.21 by scotty23

always had dry scalp, can remember being taken to the doctor when I was about 10 and being given some horrible tar shampoo that was a nightmare to wash out of my nearly waist length hair. Am now nearly 48 and have always suffered from bouts of dry scalp and sometimes it goes round behind (and sometimes inside) my right ear. Always managed to control it myself with T-Gel and various dry skin creams (exorex is a favourite except the lotion stuff stained the arms of my glasses when I used it behind my ear!). 2 weeks ago I had a rash on my neck and upper chest - saw Doctor said it was an allergy take antihistamine. After a week no better so went back to see a different doctor who straight away said "have you ever been diagnosed with psoriasis?" the rash had spread and also given me really dry scalp and my ear was really bad my neck and upper chest were red, a bit spotty looking and v itchy. She's put me on 4 x daily emollient cream and 2 different strength steroid creams (face/neck and rest of body) seen her again and she's now given me sebco for my scalp. when it first started I also kept feeling really warm all over and asked her (I'm female!) if I could be having heat rash instead of a hot flush! I've since read online that changes in hormones such as the menopause can cause a reaction if you are pre-disposed to skin problems - has anyone else had this ?

Posted Thu 28 Apr 2016 13.34 by Carpy66
I have palma , planter psoriasis since I hit menopause .

Hi I am new to this site but only ever had a small amount of dry skin eczema really and then when I hit menopause " wham bam thank you Mam " I suddenly developed Psoriasis on my hands and feet , no one tells you that this can happen to you when menopause arrives , that was 3 /4 yrs. ago and it has just gradually got worse , about to try the Pangano diet and see what happens !!

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