Infliximab/Inflectra Induced Psoriasis

Posted Fri 27 Dec 2019 12.54 by SubliminalFox

Hi, I'm completely new to psoriasis after having great skin all my life, but it seems as a result of my Ulcerative Colitus and Biologic therapy I started in summer which has been game changer has caused me the most painful mix of what has been diagnosed as psoriasis, however even the consultant has struggled. I seem to be on a rollercoaster, it started mid November and it took until 6th December to be diagnosed. Dovabet was given for body, Betnaovate for scalp, Dermal500 and Epiderm.... The Dovabet seemed to be very effective and it has nearly all gone within 5 days, then I stopped smothering myself in it and it was back in 1.5 days.... Since then I've been on a rollercoaster and now hit rock bottom over Christmas, I'm covered, new plagues, I have small pus spots, I have it on hands... my scalp is agony - tried castor oil twice, 1st time it was better for a day, 2nd time did nothing....but my body seems to be getting worse even though the inflectra should be leaving my system. I've spent yesterday at urgent care as its even reached my private parts and is agony, zero help there. I've just returned from doctor and he gave me antihistime but said I need to see consultant. My body is presenting new patches every few hours; its horrific and feel like my mental health is at rock bottom, I feel really low. I'm finding myself spending lots of money on amazon buying supplements, different castor oils etc in desperation, but I feel like nothing is working.... I don't even want to leave the house. Have people find going on holiday and sunshine helps? Any other treatments? I'm so desperate at the moment and feel like no-one can help.....

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