Male personal parts

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 06.56 by Kentish27

Hi fellow males, or females of course, as you lovely ladies can be very knowledgeable about male affairs as well- I am suffering at present from very sore, itchy personal parts. I tried the 1% hydro-cortisone but got a bad reaction. I telephone my my GP, who, with all good intention I am sure, suggested I try the Dovobet, bad reaction once more. Rang GP and mentioned the Protopic and Elidel mentioned on this site, but my GP thought these would be too strong a solution, and went on to prescribed Betnovate for me. But when I spoke to my local Pharmacist she explained that Betnovate is just a stronger hydro-cortisone. Anyway, out of desperation, and lack of much good sleep I am about ready to try this Betnovate, but before I do, I thought you would not mind my asking you all for any opinions, perhaps even personal experience. Thank you all. Kentish

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 07.44 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sat 15 Feb 2020 07.46 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

To be honest, people would need to know exactly where you mean - eg on foreskin, scrotum, glans or exactly where? Do you simply have itching, redness or has it been formally diagnosed as psoriasis? What was the nature of the bad reaction? Some thing simply not helping, vs causing a bad reaction are two very different outcomes. Experiences and advice might depend on such detailed information..

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 09.22 by Kentish27

Hi OhNo_NotAgain, Thank you for coming back to me, and I do notice from your other postings, you are well informed. A GP diagnosed me with having psoriasis back in the spring of last year. I had plaque on both legs and a red spotted rash on arms back and chest. All that was treated with Dovobet and all has now cleared completely. What I now have, and which my GP has not actually seen, is a bright red rash on scrotum and underneath penis. It is very itchy. It seems fine during the day, I really do not notice it then, but starting about evening time and then through the night it will flare up, Does this info help. Kentish

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 11.47 by OhNo_NotAgain?

To be honest, I would go back to your GP and let him examine you. I am surprised that he has not requested this. What you have MIGHT have a fungal element to it (by the way, do you happen to have athletes foot as well?) I have suffered from similar things, but nothing had a bad reaction to steroid treatments. I remember from university days that some older/classic anti-fungal creams (and athletes foot treatments) DO burn if applied to the genitals. I periodically suffer from a rash in my groin that seems to be a combination of fungal and inverse psoriasis. I find the Trimovate helps clear that, and then using a medicated powder after showering to keep the area dry, I can limit recurrence. I am not a doctor, but if I was, i would recommend you see a doctor to examine this current rash, rather than just applying different steroids somewhat blindly.

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 12.44 by Kentish27

Thank you again OhNo_NotAgain - will do as you suggest. I have suffered from Jock itch previously. Many thanks - Kentish

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 15.33 by OhNo_NotAgain?

One more thing I do : I do not use the same towel for my body as I use for my feet. The first time I ever had jock-itch I went to the GP on campus and told him I had a rash in my groin. He told me to take off my shoes and socks! He saw the signs of athletes foot! I now only dry my feet (and between the toes) with kitchen-roll, I keep one in the bathroom. If I DO get an outbreak in my groin, I then use kitchen roll to dry there also. If there is any fungal element to anything on your body, your towel is a perfect way to spread it to other parts of your body. If you have a hair-dryer you could also consider using that to dry your groin area after a shower and before applying a medicated anti-fungal powder.

Posted Sat 15 Feb 2020 17.52 by Kentish27

Got it OhNo_NotAgain - I think you have put me on the right track, this is so much like Jock itch now that I think back, I have now started using the Betnovate, twice today, as prescribed for me by my GP, and the redness seems to be calming down. I will also follow your advise regarding use of the towel, and I have a hair dryer here for me to use, Thanks again. have a good evening Kentish

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