Psoriasis and Heart medication

Posted Fri 1 May 2020 07.12 by horace77

I never suffered Psoriasis until I had a triple heart bypass. My memory is bad but I do not remember suffering it until after a year or more after my operation. By then I had changed my Ramipril to Losarten and later my Losarten to Candesarten. I was on Bisoprolol (Beta Blocker) for 3 years after my op and read on google that it was linked to Psoriasis. Later about 3 years after my op a junior hospital Doctor in passing diagnosed it as psoriasis and linked it to Bisoprolol. A month or so later when my cardiologist took me off Bisoprolol my psoriasis improved. It had been bad on the backs of my hands, my calf and spots on my arms and legs. After this my new GP did a email photo attachment diagnosis and told me it was eczema , when I read the symptoms on google they were very similar; how do we know? I treat it with daily dead sea salt baths, E45 cream and Eumavate or various topical creams.The baths help. So at the age of 74 I had an heart operation and the medication caused me to have psoriasis for the first time!! How bad is that. I feel the medication affected my blood and caused my suffering but no one cared; after all it was just not pretty and itched intensely, miserable but not life threatening or is it? My mother suffered thin skin on her legs and when a care home ceased applying E45 cream the lesions caused dehydration (lack of sleep, drink and food through itching) that lead to hospitalisation, oversight of warfarin and later death. We ignore our health at our risk? We need to pester our MPs to do more for us, health wise.

Posted Sat 23 May 2020 01.15 by Londoner

Hi, not sure about your case specifically, but given your family history also, you may want to look into understanding a bit about Allergic Contact Dermatitis, as I've been definitively diagnosed with also. If you think that might be affecting you, you would need to speak to your GP to push for a referral to a dermatologist/allergist for patch testing for chemical allergens. I have just posted my own story about my experiences with the same on the "Treatments" discussion page of this forum. Good luck!!

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