Psoriasis and food

Posted Sun 7 Jun 2020 21.02 by Kim

Hi, I am eating a lot of greens and oily fish. Avoid any nightshades and alcohol. I also drink a lot of green tea, black herbal tea and have cut out English tea and fizzy drinks. No dairy, no junk funk (they say no deep fried foods) and have gone gluten free. Although I am slightly missing certain foods, my skin has cleared up, yet I am very cautious when I'm feeling itchy but this has decreased with my diet. I keep a food diary, especially useful when I am slowly returning to certain foods to check the possibilities of a flare up so not to eat them again. At the moment, I'm looking into what type of bread I can eat as was told yeast could be a flare up too.... any ideas folks? Feel a little limited with my diet due to this condition, sometimes feel a little fed up with planning meals as not much choice. Appreciate any suggestions for meal times. Thank you

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