
Posted Tue 9 Jun 2020 23.44 by marron400

I've had this skin condition on and off most of my life, been doing some research into treatments, someone I know has it all the time as well, remember doing a test patch using psorigon and overnight cleared the small area, alas it was taken off market, my question has anybody tried Emuaid cream for small patches which I have at present, and would it be any good on larger scale? Been reading into Blueberries as well.

Posted Wed 10 Jun 2020 05.48 by scarletsmummy

I am not sure where you are in the world but i am in the UK, I have checked on Google for Psorigon and have found it is actually on sale here in the UK but very expensive at £159.00 per tub . Reading up on the ingregients ( it's Main Ingredients Are Extracted From The Indian Neem Tree Oak Bark A South American Cactus & Salmon ) it wad never medically endorsed by any doctors and is only available to buy privately .I have always been sceptical about buying creams and lotions over the internet after all if they all worked these people would be multi millionaires .......................Reading up on Emuaid cream which seems is readily available is again another privately sold cream and again i am always sceptical but as this costs a lot less than Psorigon it may be worth trying

Posted Wed 10 Jun 2020 23.50 by marron400

Thanx for your reply, much the same views as myself, on steroid cream just now, trying to keep it under control, betnovate, umovates but trying to get away from these, why I posted question see if there are alternative natural creams that are any good, I'm also in the UK.

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