Struggling again - Bottom cheeks

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 15.55 by Ladyred

Hi all each winter I get a flare up (only started about 3 years ago out of the blue). Begins in October .For the first year it was mainly on my lower arms and lower legs (plaque) and then red spotting on my torso & thighs. My back then follows (mainly lower back) with more of the dry scaly effect But this year and last year I got large patches on my bum cheeks...and probably inverse in-between my cheeks. The bum cheek aspect is the worst because this is where I see & feel the worst impact of the skin basically pushing out on itself and then peeling off in wax like pieces. Makes it incredibly hard to sit down and generally makes me feel proper horrid all day. I have my first appointment with a dermatologist in 5 weeks time but is there any advice you guys can give me in the meantime? I feel I could manage the rest of my body ok on a day to day basis if I didnt have this bottom issue to deal with Am also looking into the light therapy home units although can only afford the smaller hand held versions Thanks all

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 16.06 by Tobysgranny

You could be describing myself exactly. Over the years I have had several sessions of light treatment which have been quite successful only to reappear a couple of months later. At the moment I am in the middle of a flare up and am using Enstilar which is very good but I’ve no doubt it will reappear when I stop after 4 weeks. I was in the middle of a session of light treatment when lockdown occurred but there is a problem here as they can only do 1: patients a day owing to a shortage of face screens. They are waiting for a further supply but as they are made by the people who make ppe you can imagine who gets priority.. I am currently waiting a telephone consultation next week regarding g where to go next.

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 16.10 by Ladyred

Hi Tobysgranny I've not tried light therapy before but am very tempted to buy one of the hand held units. I live overseas where normally the weather is better and warmer certainly from April through to October but as soon as the sun starts to disappear and I have to put more clothes on it all reappears on me. Hoping the dermatologist will come to my aide too. I had to buy a new cordless hoover to keep in the bedroom - just for the skin!!

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 16.16 by Tobysgranny

Interesting enough I thought sunlight would help clear up the worst of my psoriasis but this year my arms and chest area ended up feeling like sandpaper after sitting out in the sun and reading up on psoriasis it recommends wearing long sleeves in the sun. I am a bit confused.

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 16.33 by Ladyred

I find I have no issues in the sun months & I spend a lot of time outside with my skin exposed...not sunbathing as such just being out side in the better weather. it is .just during these colder darker times I have the problems . pretty much see the first spot showing up as soon as the clocks go back!

Posted Sun 22 Nov 2020 16.46 by Tobysgranny

I never used to have a problem like I’ve had this year when out in the sun. Until this year I have cruised a great deal and spent loads of time out in the sun with no problems. However it is only really this year that it is as bad as it is. The only way I can describe it is very rough like prickly heat. It is a bit better since I’ve been using Enstilar but it hasn’t gone completely. I only have another week on Enstilar before I have to have a break. My husband says my back and bottom is looking better but all the spots on the rest of my torso aren’t fading. Hopefully I’ll get some answers next week as to what to do next.

Posted Sun 19 Jan 2025 10.30 by Owen P

Only thing that helps me is diet. No sugar grains carbs of any kind, low fruit intake, eats lots of green vegetables. Reduce meat intake. Nothing processed.

Posted Sun 9 Feb 2025 04.39 by mjones (edited Sun 9 Feb 2025 04.40 by mjones)

Has anybody taken up vaping to stop smoking and had severe Guttate as a result. Just wondering if anyone else has had a bad reaction to vaping. My Guttate only emerged after a covid vaccination. I am 73yrs. Has been extreme since vaccination. I only ever had plaque psoriasis before 2020.

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