
Posted Fri 16 Apr 2021 21.05 by Tammy

Hi, I'm new here so it's great to be able to voice things that non sufferers might not fully understand. I was just wondering if any body has painful psoriasis. I have suffered for years over 80% of my body is affected but it's never been this thick or painful to touch before. It feels like my body is one big bruise and then to make matters worse it's splitting and bleeding, it's not the itching or the flaking or even the appearance that's affecting me it's the actual pain from sitting or bending or especially kneeling down. Il make an apt eventually but I was curious to know if anybody else feels the same. Usually people are complaining about the itching or scales or how it scars etc but I never feel like anybody mentions the sheer soreness Sorry for rambling on, I hope your all well and take care x

Posted Sat 17 Apr 2021 21.59 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi Tammy, sorry to hear of your current situation. I am sure if your P cracks and bleeds on your joints then it will be sore. I do feel though you need to see your doctor and get a referral to a dermatologist and rheumotolgist. It sounds that your joint pain may not be just from cracking Psoriasis but you may also have an element of psoratic arthritis. Hope you get some relief. Good luck.

Posted Sun 18 Apr 2021 07.56 by Tammy

I really appreciate your reply, I'd never heard of psoratic psoriasis until now. Having looked up the symptoms I do feel it's worth looking into with my GP etc. I've made an appointment but it's not until the end of May unfortunately, just over 4 weeks time. I'm 34 now and I've never suffered as bad, it's starting to affect my work and everyday tasks. Thank you for your reply. It's nice to know people understand. x

Posted Mon 3 May 2021 21.24 by Leigh46
Hello I have had psoriasis for 26 years

What are you putting on your skin

Posted Tue 4 May 2021 02.40 by Yacht

Nobody should be suffering with "80% psoriasis" in this day and age. That sounds like "very severe" psoriasis and needs to be treated with urgency. There are modern biologics out there now, which should be able to clear it (with minimal side-effects). Ask the GP and derm for Skyrizi, Tremfya, or Taltz. Write them on a bit of paper and take them to the GP and derm. Studies suggest those three will give a 70-75% chance of 90% clearance. Skyrizi, for example, will give a 90% chance of 75% clearance, and 75% chance of 90% clearance. Could be free or nearly free of psoriasis in just a few weeks. There is hope. Good luck.

Posted Tue 4 May 2021 07.01 by Tammy

I'm so very grateful for all of the replies, I had a phone consultation with my GP and explained I needed to see him in person to show him how bad my skin has got so at the end of this month I go to see him. He did mention something about a tablet to surpress my immune system and slow the process of psoriasis that way, but with the current situation of covid etc I don't want to become vulnerable because I'm taking that. I'm currently using organic pressed coconut oil on my skin, it's the only thing that doesn't sting. I have alphasyl shampoo which calms the itching on my scalp. Before lockdown I was able to cope, I know it sounds stupid but I just lived with it, I didn't want light therapy or steroid creams that burned and never worked so I just ignored it, but it wasn't this bad........ and it spread until its became unbearable. Now the only place free from psoriasis is my face and neck. My legs are completely covered on the front, the backs have large patches and my arms are the same, my back has one huge patch and alot of small ones covering it and my stomach is the same. Thank you all for your reply, and Yacht I'm very excited to mention that to my GP! I really am grateful 🙏

Posted Wed 5 May 2021 09.04 by Tammy

Oh I see, well thank you for your reply Rick. unfortunately I don't have private health care either so looks like a lengthly process 😕. I've been given light treatment in the past and it worked to some extent clearing small patches here and there, but when it returned it was thicker and covered more of an area than before. I will try the tablets, but I'm going to wait until I've had my second covid jab in June. I'm so worried to have my immune system suppressed because surely that makes me vulnerable to all sorts of things. I work with children and I'm a single parent myself, so I constantly have the odd cough and colds that go around in school. I can't physically cope with this pain at the moment though so it's time to try anything I'm given. I hope you are all well and thank you again for your replies I appreciate it.

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