Desperately low

Posted Thu 27 May 2021 18.47 by Jenora

So here I am. 51 yr old single female. Single not really by choice. Psoriasis has played its part in this. A sufferer for 30 yrs now. It has completely destroyed my self confidence. My mojo and basically me. I’ve gone with everything my lovely dermatologist has suggested over the years. .. nhs have been awesome. I’ve now reached the heights of cyclosporine. But stopped taking it 2 months ago. Really poorly on it !! In fact. Humira. Methotrexate. Otezla. Light therapy. Given them all a decent go. My body reacted quite badly to them all eventually. So. I’m here. Low. Suffering Sore. So sore. And asking the question... what next. ??? I really need help. I’m struggling

Posted Tue 1 Jun 2021 20.26 by Matt1972

Hi, so sorry to hear you are having such a terrible time with this.. it really is a dreadful disease which affects confidence particularly. Obviously you have done the right thing by being referred to a dermitologist, and have gone through the various tablets creams etc, some of which have some horrible side effects. All I can say is that when you have your appointment next time, do not hold back on how you are feeling. There are a few different biological treatments. I myself start my first one next week. . Hopefully you can find one that will suit you and make you feel better in yourself. X

Posted Wed 2 Jun 2021 12.13 by PsoAdminMod

Hi Jenora, We're sorry to hear your psoriasis is making you feel so low at the moment and that you have not yet been able to find a treatment to help manage the condition. We know how difficult psoriasis can be to cope with and you are certainly not alone in feeling this way. If you would like some information or support you are very welcome to get in touch with our helpline team who will be happy to try and help. Our helpline is open Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm and you can reach us by phone on 01604 251 620, email at or WhatsApp on 07387 716 439. I hope this helps, Best Wishes, Amber, Psoriasis Association

Posted Sat 5 Jun 2021 04.18 by Mary1968

Hello Jenora You poor thing. Sounds awful. I think most people on this forum can relate in one way or another. I cannot really suggest what next, as that is your decision to make. But sometimes just talking about things with others that understand, can help enormously. Get things off your mind and chest so to speak. I had chronically bad plaque coverage and yes it did shatter my confidence when I was younger. But to be honest, after I turned 40 I actually stopped caring what others thought. Bit of a bummer, as I could have certainly used that inner confidence in my younger days. I am just a bit older than you, and have had psoriasis my entire life. Been clear for 12 or 13 years now, and I cleared (and am remaining clear) with diet and supplements. When I was on the drug route, I really found nothing that worked long term. I had to come off the steroid creams as my skin was thinning at an alarming rate. But one thing that did seem like it could be beneficial was Ultraviolet light B treatments. I had a few sessions at the local hospital and that seemed to help. I had to stop due to the expense, but I understand you can buy lamps to use at home. Nowadays I take Vitamin D3 daily which helps enormously (in conjunction with some other supplements) to keep plaques at bay. Maintaining good levels of Vitamin D also helps with lowering depression and anxiety, which may be beneficial to you, if you are feeling particularly low. I would suggest checking locally for any psoriasis support groups. Your doctor, hospital or community center should have details. Hope you start to feel better soon

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