Acetrtrin …. Just started

Posted Sun 22 Aug 2021 11.49 by Kabby42

Any advice for systematic treatment Acitritrine please? I am approximately 70% covered and have had to fight to see a dermatologist, any tips and recommendations and advice would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Does it work? How long before I see any improvement and how bad are side effects…scalp psoriasis is worse than ever!!!! Thanks everyone 😁

Posted Sun 22 Aug 2021 14.22 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi it is over 30 years ago since I started taking Acitretn, so from memory it took a few weeks to start working, a few months to see a difference. It worked fairly well, never completely clear but decent. As for side effects, my experience of course, this can have nasty side effects that even after stopping over 10 years ago I still have some effects of those. Some of the side effects Inc hair curling followed by hair loss, migraines, mood swings, blistering on feet, bleeding nose. You will require regular blood tests so the docs should be monitoring your progress. Good luck

Posted Sun 22 Aug 2021 15.30 by Moggy1

I take a low dose of acitretin 10mg a day At first dry lips and eyes and increased thirst were my main symptoms. These settle and are manageable with drops and lip balm. The big issue was the change in my hair which started apps 4/6 weeks in. Dry brittle and falling out. No amount of lotions or potions are helping and think I may need to have it cut short. My hands cleared after about 3 months not completely but 90% better and my feet are improving 5 months in no new pustules but still hard skin. No change in my mood thankfully as this was one of my main worries Hope to have light therapy have an appointment next month Stevie can I ask what effects you still have after 10 years ?

Posted Sun 22 Aug 2021 16.21 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Hi Moggy, glad it is working out for you. The main side effects still is the dry and bloody nose. I just put up with it now when it happens. I have been on other meds since but don't think that is attributed to those.

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