UVB and fatigue

Posted Thu 29 Feb 2024 12.44 by Sfento98

Hey I just started UVB therapy at the hospital this week. Had my first treatment on Tuesday and another today both being 30 seconds long. I’ve noticed after treatment I feel really fatigued and have no energy for my daily tasks/in need of a nap. Is this normal and also is it likely to lessen as I’m more used to the treatment? I’ve been off work due to my guttate psoriasis being painful when touched/wearing clothes and work in a nursery but due to go back soon and worried how this will affect my work life as only times treatment is available outwith my shifts is in the morning. Thanks so much x

Posted Mon 11 Mar 2024 05.56 by mt382

I've had probably 20-30 courses of NB UVB (moat delivered by myself at home) The answer to your Q is yes, but only at much higher doses. Generally, because would go slightly pink, the inflammatory cella in the plaques leaking inflammatory chemicals out all over, and then the prickly feeling and subsequent sleep disruption used to put my mood in the pits. That would only happen at much higher doses though. Isnthere anything else that could be making you tired?

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