biologics and side effects

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2012 08.05 by pslifer
25 years

hi, i was given stelara 2 and a half years ago. it cleared my ps. 100%! May 2011, however, my joints started to seize and it was, as i found out, the onset of drug induced lupus, a side effect the dermatologists weren't aware of at the time. anyhow after a year of joint AGONY, and my ps flaring up all over and more pain killers than i would like to imagine i am now on ufliximab, which is given by infusion every 8 weeks. i have been on it for 6 months and once again it cleared my skin and solved my joint problems.... until last week when i started to seize again and on top of that my bloods have come back with a high liver test reading!!!!!!!! i have had ps for 35 years but havebeen otherwise healthy. since being given various biologics i have had great skin, but the side effects have affected my quality of life more than ps ever did!!!!!! i think i will try something herbal, someone has mentioned 'tinefcon' good luck with your quest and i hope the above helps :-)

Posted Tue 22 Jan 2019 02.23 by Jeannette50

I think these new treatments are just shoved out and full testing is not carried out. It is appalling anyone should end up in a worse position after taking these medications.

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