Itching, itching, itching

Posted Sat 22 Dec 2012 04.02 by RiaB
Palmopustular on hands and feet. Current flare up started March 2012. No topical creams have worked so far. Going slowly insane.

Hi to you all - first time on this forum. I have pso on my hands and feet. This is only my second bout, the first one being 6 years ago when my brother died (stress?) and now since March when my husband and I decided to move abroad (stress?). I wondered if anyone had any advice about the itching that is driving me insane? It seems 6 it bothers him so I just get up at silly hours and slather my feet in E45. I've no idea why because it makes no difference. After having my first bout 6 years ago I spent a year to and from the GP trying about 6 different creams - sure you've all been there! Nothing worked until I went to a specialist who prescribed a coal tar solution. Worked - it disappeared within a month

1 Posted Sat 22 Dec 2012 04.17 by RiaB (edited Sun 30 Dec 2012 20.07 by Gerry)
Palmopustular on hands and feet. Current flare up started March 2012. No topical creams have worked so far. Going slowly insane.

Oops - told you I was going insane - just managed to send my splurge half way through! Anyhow, this time I went straight to the GP and literally demanded coal tar as it's been banned by the EU in soaps etc. Didn't work. Why? The first bout was only on my hands but this time it started on my feet almost immediately. Does this mean the pso is getting worse? Do you think I am stuck with this now? I was so convinced the coal tar would work. I have tried countless creams both in the UK and abroad and absolutely nothing is helping. The types I've tried have been Exorex, Diprobase etc. Anyhow the reason I was posting this was to ask what people do for the itching? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Sorry just read the first post I accidentally sent - what I meant to say was that my husband doesn't seem bothered about me scratching and rubbing my feet during the night but I'm sure it must bother him. I would just love to get a night's sleep! I know this is only on my hands and feet and some of you have it all over your bodies and when I read some of your posts it makes me feel that it's not bad enough for me to whinge about (though it hasn't stopped me as you can see!) I really don't know how you cope - and keep your sense of humour. Love to you all x

Posted Wed 26 Dec 2012 17.00 by Miss D (edited Sun 30 Dec 2012 20.08 by Gilly83)
I have pso on my arms hands knees and ankles

Hi there I have also tried many creams given to me by the gp's and none have worked so far including the cling film wrap. Sometimes it just feels like nothing is ever going to work but I am saving to try acupuncture Been told that works will let you know how I get on

Posted Sun 30 Dec 2012 20.07 by RiaB (edited Sun 30 Dec 2012 20.08 by Gerry)
Palmopustular on hands and feet. Current flare up started March 2012. No topical creams have worked so far. Going slowly insane.

Hi Miss D. I thought about acupuncture too - good luck and I'd be really interested to hear how it went. Been reading up about Vick's Vapour Rub and how it's cured people's athletes foot etc and the curative properties of menthol - maybe I'll try that - at least it'll smell nice. xx

Posted Fri 4 Jan 2013 15.01 by TimA
Plaque psoriasis over most of body: especially shins, elbows and hands.

Hello RiaB. I can't help you with a magic cure to stop the itching...I'm still looking for one too. However, I bought some cotton gloves that I wear at night. This does not actually stop the itching, but it stops me from scratching so badly that I make it worse - or bleed - and so it does make it easier in the long run. The gloves were cheap from eBay. Not very sexy - but neither is scratching all night!

Posted Sun 18 Feb 2018 22.39 by Liz

I am new too and may be teaching you to suck eggs but have you tried anti histamines? They work for my itching for PPP. Good luck. X

Posted Sun 25 Feb 2018 23.21 by caroline.
Im living in Northern Ireland and just joined this site hope you can help me with my condition and maybe give me advise on what is good.

Im the same skin is itchy on my scalp cant help ,gets worse at night time ,Iv tried coconut oil on my hair ,even stuff the doctor gave me helped for a while ,I had to stop using it ,didnt help anymore ,bought cream from the herbal shop helps a bit but still find Im brushing up flaking bits of my scalp off the floor each day so going back soon to the Doctor see if theres anything else i can try.

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