Unsure what to do

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 13.57 by Glenn

Diagnosed about 6 months ago, I've been on Sulphasalazine and Naproxin/omeprazole but not making much of a difference, Tried to make a follow up (3 month) appointment with Rheumatologist but they're not making any appointments at present due to consultant shortages. I only went on Sulphasalazine to try and target the cause as opposed to the symptoms to prevent joint damage. I am considering stopping Sulphasalazine as it seems to make me lethargic but continuing with anti-inflammatories. Any thoughts anyone?

Posted Tue 24 Jan 2017 05.16 by ohwell

Yes a big one. My skin went haywire August 2016, don't know why. Today is Tuesday 24th. I was to to see a dermatoligist in March 2017. I said that was not close to good enough. My GP agreed. They told me how to make a complaint, but they made it anyway on my behalf. Am now under a consultant at a London teaching hospital, one of the best. seeing her again in a couple of weeks. And yes am on stuff. four or five creams, stuff for the bath, a pill - god knows. Its incurable and nobody knows what causes it. Try and get referred to a specialist.. Do not take no consultants as an answer. I am under one. You may want to have a word with your GP - they refer

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