Burdock works for me

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2017 05.11 by Herakles
Severe, and on stump of right leg prevents me from wearing a prosthesis. becoming wheelchair bound and dependent on carers.

My skin clears fast when I visit the Canaries. However that's expensive! Having tried everything else, I tried burdock root capsules from H&B (Holland & Barrett), and they have made a world of difference for me, clearing up most of the nastier patches and reducing the itchiness and burning. I take these in conjunction with Vit D from H&B. Ran out of the burdock - H&B no longer stock it - and the nasty patches started to flare up again, so have ordered some via Amazon, £6 for 100 capsules, 2 per day. Hope this helps but please ensure it is safe for you to take. Pete

Posted Wed 22 Mar 2017 21.44 by andrea
have had p for too many years

I've never tried herbal supplements so its good to hear this is working for you. How long did you take these before you saw some improvement?

Posted Thu 23 Mar 2017 02.03 by Herakles
Severe, and on stump of right leg prevents me from wearing a prosthesis. becoming wheelchair bound and dependent on carers.

Burning eased off after about 6 weeks, skin clear in 8-10 weeks. I do feel it is clearing toxins that contribute towards psioriasis. I don't have burdock right now but get some delivered tomorrow, life without is not fun !! Right, back into the shower and on with the diprobase, sigh :-(

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