Guttate psoriasis

Posted Fri 8 Sep 2017 23.38 by aloneinmusic

Was just diagnosed only this week. I'm still in shock. I never had strep throat, so I can't understand why this has happened...I'm 20. Apart from genetics, the only reason I can think of as to why I have it is stress, I'm a very stressed person. But this is not helping with that. It just started with one patch of dry skin on my chest that didn't hurt or itch at all, so I just ignored it and assumed it would go away. And suddenly my entire torso and back is covered in it. My breasts even. It's started getting really quite itchy. But you know what? I'm sad, I'm just really sad. I never realised what a basic privilege it is to just have normal, clear, non itchy skin. Everything has just changed almost overnight and I'm really struggling to cope with that tbh. I just want it to go away but I'm worried that because I'm directly related to someone with it, that it'll become chronic. And I just feel like it's going to drive me mad. I'm trying to keep stress levels down but it's so hard. Atm I'm just using cold gels and a few minutes from a UV lamp each day in the hope that it will heal it faster. I don't know if it will but it's soothing either way. Is there anyone else here with the guttate type? I guess I just want to know that it's not just me who's been really taken aback and frankly quite stressed at the outcome. :(

Posted Sat 9 Sep 2017 13.36 by Idy
Phototherapy, methotrexate, ciclosporin and stelara afficionado

Hi. Being diagnosed for the first time can be very distressing, particularly if it's a sudden flare-up as widespread as yours. For me, it was not knowing how severe it would get and being overwhelmed by the treatment options and when/if any of them would work. Once again, like you, my psoriasis (although not the guttate type) covers my entire torso and part of my scalp, arms and legs. There probably isn't much a GP would be able to do about your severe and widespread case, aside from prescribe moisturisers to help keep it soothed. Have you asked to be referred to a hospital dermatologist? They have more specialised knowledge and can prescribe much more potent treatments (e.g. phototherapy, systemic drugs and biologic drugs). I'm currently using moisturisers whilst I wait for UVB phototherapy to start at the end of this month.

Posted Sat 25 Nov 2017 11.38 by e_m_m_a

Hi @aloneinmusic - did it come back? Interested to know how you are getting on now.

Posted Tue 28 Nov 2017 14.31 by Selly

Hello @aloneinmusic I am a 19 year old female who has only just been diagnosed with guttate psoriasis after a strep infection. I am covered from head to toe and have been so disheartened by this diagnosis aswell. My confidence and self esteem have really been affected especially coming into the summer months. I too am related to someone with psoriasis and am concerned that my psoriasis will turn into plaque psoriasis. After consultation with a dermatologist I have been recommended to start phototherapy and have also been given tar to apply to my body and tar shampoo for my scalp.

Posted Fri 1 Dec 2017 21.38 by Debbie

Hello everyone I've had plaque psoriasis for over 20 years, at the beginning I got logins and potions from my GP but as the years went on it got worse. Last year I got referred to the dermatology clinic in February they started me on the photo therapy and it worked great I felt normal I loved my skin and I wasn't sore but after treatment I think it gradually came back after a month or so I started feeling bad again. So I went on holiday in September thinking it would help bearing in mind I was covered came home after a few weeks I started getting different types of spots went to dermatology and it guttate psoriasis I have also the dermatologist words where you have a full house , I've started the photo therapy again just hoping I get some relief again.

Posted Sun 3 Dec 2017 00.43 by HappyCamper17

Hey there. I was diagnosed with guttate around September, and like you, it was a complete shock, happened overnight it felt like. Yes, I can tell you as a 3rd-year university student, I was very stressed and seemed like this only made it worst. Long story short, after extensive research I made a life choice to go vegan. There are many Youtubers that back this up (Mainly Psoriasis Buddy) and personally, it helped a lot. I also use a prescribed foam spray called Enstilar and have been applying it daily since the end of October. The results have been magnificent. I highly suggest you try going vegan, and purchase the spray through your pharmacist. Best of luck!

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