Psoriasis cover ups

Posted Sat 7 Apr 2018 10.37 by metoyou25

Hi. I've had psoriasis for a couple of years and like all psoriasis sufferers, I hate it. It's now in big patches on my elbows and I've got ugly patches on my legs. I was just wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for a cover up cream. Now the nicer weather is fast approaching I'm not looking forward to getting my arms and legs out. Any help and advice is much appreciated.

Posted Tue 10 Apr 2018 15.18 by RubyT

Go for it and get your legs and arms out - the sun and fresh air will do wonders for your skin, Use loads of moisturiser and sunscreen if you burn, I tried fake tan stuff 2 years back and apart from the stinging on application they just highlighted the patches even more. Soak in Oilatum bath, and rub in loads of moisture / Cetraben ointment at bed time good luck

Posted Fri 20 Apr 2018 16.36 by Metarie1985
Beauty standard ignorer, unapologetic P sufferer for 10 years, determined to stay positive!

I'd agree - I've tried various things to cover the patches but it's the texture of the skin that's hard to disguise. You can have the best, most opaque body make up ever, but it's not going to make your skin look normal if it's scaly. I'd genuinely encourage you just to embrace it and try your hardest to get your skin out anyway. I mean...elbows are usually dry and red, even for people with 'normal' skin - 'Oh my god, I just fell in love with her smooth supple elbows...' said NO ONE EVER. And you can't see them unless you're a boss level contortionist and the people who can see your elbows are generally behind you, you already left them in your dust! ;) Your legs...well...I'd recommend using Enstilar foam if you can get it from the doctors. It works fairly quickly (a week or so) and it won't get rid of it permanently but if you have a holiday or special occasion coming up and black tights/trousers are not an option, you might find it clear your skin up enough than nude tights or a body foundation will help you cover things more.

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