Parotid (swollen salivary glands)

Posted Fri 22 Jun 2018 15.50 by AndyS

Hi, I was recently diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis and have some of the 'typical' symptoms. However, I had an appointment with my GP today as I had some swelling to the front of my left ear. After examination she was able to tell me that I had an infected parotid (saliva) gland and sought to treat it as a bacterial infection using antibiotics. She then explained some of the possible causes, after which (given that the gland was inflamed), I asked if it could be coincidental to, or associated with my psoriatic arthritis. Her answer was a very certain "No". I have great faith in our health system and those who provide the service, but the same doctor originally made a wrong diagnosis about my arthritis , so am always inclined to question. Having done, a little internet research myself, I found several peer reviewed articles suggesting that she may once again be wrong. Can I ask: if anyone on the forum has had similar problems with their parotid glands, and if so, if any association was drawn by GP or Rheumatologist to PA?

Posted Thu 5 Nov 2020 23.08 by JeanMK

Hi AndyS, I’m in the U.S, and found your post through a search about enlarged Parotid glands. My left gland has been very sore and enlarged for over 3 months; next week I will finally see an ENT (ear, nose, throat specialist) to discuss it. I am not aware of this particular problem being one associated with PsA, but this disease can bring surprises! Since it’s been over 2 years since this post, I am wondering if the condition finally resolved and how?

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