Advice on scalp psoriasis with almost nerve like secere pain

Posted Wed 1 Aug 2018 20.53 by DJDANI008

Just wondered if anyone gets scalp psoriasis with severe neoropathic like pain. I had it lasting a week very recently.and was so painful and yet can't seem to find any concrete info on it online. Just wondered if anyone ese gets it how it might be termed in psoriasis terms and what can help treat it please. It seems to tie in with hormones. Many thanks in advance of any info offered 😁

Posted Sat 4 Aug 2018 22.13 by Eva M.
Girl. 28 years old. Suffered with psoriasis and scalp psoriasis for years until I discovered the magic that helped me get rid of mostly ever

The only thing that helped me with my painful scalp psoriasis after many years was to avoid: MILK PRODUCTS, PROCESSED FOOD, ADDITIVES IN FOOD AND DRINKS, AND MOST OF ALL SUGAR. Fruit sugar is okey. Clean food, and clean diet...believe me, you will see results after a month. I have almost no psoriasis anymore on my scapl. Only occasional flareups when I eat shitty food I should avoid. I ALSO DONT EAT BREAD FROM STORE, ONLY HOMEMADE SOMETIMES. I lived in hell, my scalp was hell, I suffered from bad hairloss, and it was so awful I thought I was going to kill myself. No shampoo or ointment will help. Its all about the food and drink.

Posted Sun 5 Aug 2018 21.40 by DJDANI008

Many thanks Eva M for your reply and helpful recommemdations - very much appreciated 😁👍.

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 14.34 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

I've had the most appalling scalp psoriasis, it can get millimeters thick in just a day...and my eyebrows and even ears too. The Calcipotriol the doctor provides is utterly useless on it. So I tried small amounts of Dovobet...which one is not supposed to use on the scalp, and that had a bit of an effect. But the thing that has really helped has been using a tiny bit of Dovobet, and then applying Epaderm emolient....I then wet my hair a little and comb so the mixture goes all over. I leave it on for a few days then wash it all out ( which removes the fewer scales that have formed ) and re-apply....sometimes leaving out the Dovobet. Overall this has reduced the scaliness by about 75%....not gone completely but far more manageable. Don't apply too much only need a small amount...or it can lead to itchiness.

Posted Mon 6 Aug 2018 23.16 by DJDANI008

Many thanks to everyone above for your very valuable advice and tips 😁👍😁

Posted Tue 7 Aug 2018 12.01 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Peter S: many people seem to be prescribed Enstilar for severe psoriasis on their scalp, often in a foam version. It is essentially the same active ingredients as Dovobet ie a vitiamin D derivative and a steroid. I have never actually been told not to use Dovobet on my scalp - but it certainly is not ideally suited to scalp use if you have a full head of hair, simply because of the consistency. My GP is reluctant to precribe steroid treatments, which I understand. My GP seems quite well informed about psoriasis and current treatment options and trends, and I have had several good/useful discussions with him. He prescribed Dovobet for my body, but my latest outbreak of guttate psoriasis was so extensive it was somewhat impractical to apply it to each individual spot. I do not want to slather a steroid all over even on the good skin. My GP agreed with me and prescribed me Psoriderm cream (coal tar based). I also used Exorex Lotion (green bottle not the blue) and I have my guttate psoriasis under control and I can sleep at night without being woken by the itching/prickling (I had more of a prickly heat sensation than actual itching). For my scalp he was very reluctant to prescribe a steroid, and prescribed Capasal shampoo, but to be honest seemed to do nothing for me (some report it has helped them greatly). He also precribed Cocois/Sebco - but again it did not seem to help me, not even to reduce the intense itching that was keeping me awake at night (although others have a much better experience with these). I found a shampoo called Alphacade PSO (available online from France) which does seem to have helped me, and is nowhere near as harsh on my hair as the Capasal. I now wash my hair every day - one day with Aplphacade, one day with T/Gel and one day with Alphosyl, and that regime is working for me. The flaking is massively reduced and the itching is barely noticable. The condition of my hair is even much better than when the psoriasis was at its most recent peak. I noticed a reduction in irritation and discomfort from the first morning that I used the Alphacade.

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