My conclusions regarding autoimmune attack

Posted Wed 7 Nov 2018 12.56 by Michelle

Hi! I read your post! In fact I joined the forum so I could reply. My husband suffers from Psoriasis and after a disastrous trial of taking Methatrexate we decided he’s never having that again. All my husband has ever received for his Psoriasis are creams, light treatment and pills. I started to wonder what, if anything we could do to address the underlying internal causes. I found this book on the internet: Read it and tried to adjust our diet accordingly. It hasn’t been a rip roaring success, but it’s certainly made considerable improvements. How did you reach your conclusion on autoimmune diseases? Sorry I haven’t found your original post. I’m interested to know if you’re doing further investigation or research. I know there’s no permanent cure for psoriasis but I’m very keen to find a way to reduce as many of the symptoms for my husband as I can. I’m convinced that leaky gut syndrome plays a part so diet is key. However I’m struggling to find who’d advise what tests could really get to the root of whether or not it’s a specific food. Looking forward to your thoughts on it. Michelle

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