Psoriasis on feet driving me mental

Posted Mon 5 Nov 2018 21.18 by lous84

I have in the last few month's devloped Psoriasis on my first it was tiny patches now there's big patches and its driving me crazy it itches like mad and nothing relieves it. I also have Psoriasis on my scalp, have had patches on my hands and elbows. It itches so bad I have very tiny wounds. I've tried all the lotions ive been given over the years Aveeno, Cetreban various moiturisers and Vaseline. I have Dovobet for my scalp...can I use this? The itch keeps me awake at night rubbing. What do people use on their feet?

Posted Tue 6 Nov 2018 15.36 by andrea
have had p for too many years

Hi so sorry to hear about your poor old feet it must be so distressing. You probably have tried lots of things. Just a thought...... as a child I had chicken pox twice and my mum used to put calomine lotion on to stop the itching. I think you can get calomine cream now. Yes you can use dovobet gel for the body. I have used it for years. Keep your feet out from under the covers to keep them cool and wear only cotton socks so they can breath and cotton nightwear. Wishing you some relief .

Posted Sun 11 Nov 2018 12.14 by Shazz

I had and now have again psoriasis on soles of feet. So itchy. Never had any treatment to work.... Sorry

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