Psoriasis and beta blockers

Posted Thu 22 Nov 2018 07.00 by Amybx

Has anyone ever been on beta blockers? I was put on them 3 days ago and have noticed a difference in my psoriasis already. I actually asked my doctor if i could get a flare up and she said it is rare if i did but as soon as i type it into google its all over it saying it will flare it up ! I am on the beta blockers for anxiety so I might need to just stay on the tablets till my anxiety gets better but at the same time my skin will be bad which will make me more stressed !

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 20.53 by Sarah

Hi Amybx, I’m taking beta blockers propranolol for anxiety and I’ve noticed my psoriasis has flared up badly. Started taking them since December 2018 and the last few weeks my skin awful! But then it’s winter,heating on and busy month at work,so sometimes I just don’t know! Last few nights I’ve been having a soak in the bath with Dead Sea Salts and Oilatum Emollient and washing with Epedarm,then putting Epedarm on after. It has helped with the itching and soreness. Can’t get a doctors appointment to see whether it is the medication,so I’m just plodding along. I can relate to what you are saying 100%.

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 22.40 by Amybx

Hi Sarah, I had to stop taking the beta blockers because my skin flared up bad. I am just dealing with anxiety my own way by going to the gym, eating better and no more alcohol! X

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 16.00 by Sarah

Hi Amybx, Has it helped your skin since you have stopped taking the beta blockers? I just don’t know what to do,as I need the beta blockers but my skin is so bad and I’m covered from head to toe.

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 16.16 by Amybx

Hi Sarah, Yes it has helped. You cant even tell I have psoriasis unless I show you tiny patches on my skin! I have noticed I do still get wee dots on my legs but it is manageable. Why dont you go back to the doctors and ask to be put on something else? Surely there must be something for us psoriasis sufferers! X

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 17.55 by Sarah

Hi Amybx, Yes I will go back to the doctors but at the moment it’s so hard to get a appointment. That’s great your skin is better,but my skin is literally covered from head to toe! No skin without psoriasis.....😔 How you coping with your anxiety without any tablets?

Posted Thu 10 Jan 2019 18.33 by Amybx

Aw that is so horrible! I use enstilar, its a foam spray & it seems to do the trick! Have you asked your doctor about light treatment or getting put on a tablet? When my psoriasis was at its worse I got refered to a skin doctor and they suggested uv treatment, unfortunately for me it did not work, it just made my skin really itchy but i do know people that it has worked really well for! My doctor also said about a tablet ( i cant actually remember what it was called ) so maybe that would work for you! Hope something helps for you soon! Just keep moisturising and eating healthy x

Posted Sun 13 Jan 2019 12.00 by Sarah

Hi Amybx, I’ve used that enstilar spray,it worked but it made me ill and it came back after stopping using it. Yes I’ve been to the hospital and they suggested that and all the hard medication which I said no to straight away! Nasty drugs which I really didn’t want to start using. Must say though this week my skin isn’t so angry and inflamed. Only been taking my beta blocker once a day and been having baths with Dead Sea salts and oilatum in it which has really helped. Started omega 3 vitamins too,so who knows! You never know with skin like this,ha ha! Hope your skin stays well.

Posted Sun 13 Jan 2019 17.29 by Amybx

Hi again Sarah, Thats good that your skin is starting to get better! I hope that you also get on top of your anxiety, I know how hard it can be! X

Posted Sat 25 Mar 2023 10.16 by Steve

Anyone still having problems with beta blockers started taking same as above skin gone mad.

Posted Tue 28 Mar 2023 23.35 by carrieS

Yes, me. My psoriasis was in remission for years until I started beta blockers a year ago. It's now getting bad again. I'm sorry they are making it worse for you as well. I was so hopeful this wouldn't happen.

Posted Wed 29 Mar 2023 10.57 by Steve

Thank you Carrie. same to you, might help if the doctors understood what we all go through .

Posted Wed 12 Apr 2023 16.21 by Peter S
I have psoriasis on about 1/3 of my body...have had it for over 10 years and its getting worse.

I only recently asked my doctor if I could come off beta blocker Atenolol for a I distinctly recall reading somewhere that it made psoriasis worse. In fact it may not be a coincidence that my psoriasis started around the same time ( over 15 years ago ) that I started taking such meds. So...I am seeing what difference it makes.

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2024 00.59 by Terry

Hi I was put on proponolol heart meds called a bets blocker and it says it makes psorsis worse. It's on my body and on my scalp causing scabs and doctor won't take m to off of it. Don't know what to do. Dermotologist also sa ok d it causes worse psorisis.

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2024 01.05 by Terry

How do you get doctor to get you off betablocker. It's horrible. Psorsis everywhere even scabs on scalp. I wrote as nother message just to be before this one. My red mail is

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2024 01.09 by Terry

Is there a medication you can take to the help get off beta blocker and to something to that to can help with psorisis?

Posted Sun 7 Apr 2024 01.15 by Terry

What tablets help with psorisis and to getting off in beta blocker. It's horrible we. Thank you for any suggestions that will help. Dr refuses to take me off beta blocker.

Posted Tue 23 Jul 2024 21.42 by Lynne (edited Tue 23 Jul 2024 21.45 by Lynne)

I’m on propanalol for few months my psoriasis so bad I was clear prior to starting these now I have it on scalp behind ears feet and hands.Im so sure it’s these tablets that’s done this

Posted Fri 26 Jul 2024 11.15 by Celine James (edited Fri 26 Jul 2024 11.16 by Celine James)
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