Brandy / Whisky and psoriasis

Posted Wed 28 Nov 2018 14.30 by Dr. Luke

I have mild psoriasis for the past few years. It used to exibit itself off and on. I could not relate it to winter, summer or such climatic changes. I was on treatment for this at Top hospitals and even Nature cure Clinics. Nothing worked. Since it continued to be mild, I dis-continued all the treatment. I tried in find out what triggers my psoriasis. Accidentally I found that drinking whisky makes it worse. (I am an occasional drinker, not a drunkard; just for information😆!) But drinking Brandy reduces it. For about 2 weeks my symptoms disappear and then come back. Is it something new or is it known ?

Posted Thu 29 Nov 2018 14.36 by Dr. Luke

Hi Wendyloish, Yes, you are right. Since Brandy went out of fashion, liquor companies are into adding more brands and flavours to whisky. I was trying to find what triggers my psoriasis. Then I accidentally found this. Thats why I felt like sharing. Since each person is different, brandy may be of help only in my case. Therefore, I will not ask any psoriasis patient to try Brandy or even whisky.

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 04.55 by Lisajohny543

What's the difference between Brandy and whiskey?

Posted Fri 30 Nov 2018 13.14 by Dr. Luke

Hi wendyloish, Insted of starting a new fashion with "" Brandy is dandy....."" let us stop drinking distilled spirits for a change. May be that could be better for many psoriasis patients. However permit me ( only me ) to continue my research with more whisky. ( My daughter-in-law who is also a doctor asked me the other day " insted of DRINKING this damn thing, why don't to take bath in whisky ? Atleast this will not go into your stomach.)

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