Travel Insurance - Premiums unfairly increased for Psoriasis sufferers

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2018 23.22 by SafeDavid
Psoriasis since age 18 Now at 59 psoriatic arthritis

I am grateful to the Association for publishing my article about travel insurance in the Winter 2018 edition of the magazine (page 24). Anyone who has been in hospital for inpatient treatment may find that they are being charged an excessive premium for their travel insurance. If their hospitalisation was over, say, 5 years ago and the risk of their psoriasis requiring urgent medical treatment whilst abroad is very low, then they should take issue with the insurance company involved. We have enough issues to deal with in life without being unfairly targeted by these large corporations who seek to profit at our expense. About time we stood up for ourselves! If anyone who has read the article and would like further information, please don't hesitate to post a reply.

Posted Tue 18 Dec 2018 00.06 by ohwell

Interesting, my insurance did not increase the premium , just noted it. Wrote me a letter said it was covered.It is a condition not really an illness.That is me speaking, not the insurance co. Although it makes me feel bloody ill. It hurts and can be, actually ,is painful. It is not contagious , Anyway my Dermatologist is sending me off for UVB. Rest of my life. I am sorry safedavid - 41 years. The PA is what worries the hell out of me. However, I am hoping it does not happen. Ordinarily Psoriasis does not require urgent medical treatment. It is palliative care. In fairness , I do not go swimming anymore. You will know why.!

Posted Tue 18 Dec 2018 09.22 by SafeDavid
Psoriasis since age 18 Now at 59 psoriatic arthritis

Hello OhWell Yes the insurance 'hike' only applies if you've ever been in hospital for Psoriasis, rather than just having the condition (and I use the word "just" lightly as I know exactly what you mean!). The unfairness is if, like me, you went into hospital a long time ago (30 years ago in my case) they put the premium up by 22%. With most other diseases/conditions they only hike the premium if the hospitalisation was within the last 5 years. Not so with psoriasis, the question is have you EVER been in hospital - and that just can't be fair or right. As regards P.Arthritis, if it's any consolation I first developed it when I was nearly 60. Was on Methotrexate 15mg/week. Nothing much happened for the first 4-5 months (except it didn't deteriorate further) and then there was a steady improvement and after 18 months I was off skiing again!!. Was free from it for 5 years until a recurrence this year, but back on M again and already starting to improve. A side benefit is that M calmed the P on the skin down a lot.

Posted Sun 2 Jun 2024 08.31 by harrison11 (edited Sun 2 Jun 2024 08.31 by harrison11)

It's frustrating that travel insurance premiums are unfairly increased for psoriasis sufferers. This condition shouldn't lead to higher costs, as it doesn't significantly impact travel safety. Insurers need to reassess their policies to ensure fair treatment for individuals with non-severe medical conditions.

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