Psoriasis On The Face.

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2019 12.07 by Sarah

Any idea what cream to use for the face? I have psoriasis all around my jaw line and forehead.

Posted Wed 23 Jan 2019 16.07 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 23 Jan 2019 16.09 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Sarah, I have had psoriasis since 1980 - and had varying degrees of severity and extent. I would suggest NOT to use a treatment with any steroids on the skin of the face, unless it is under the guidance of a doctor/dermatologist. I would suggest as an early step that you consult your doctor, and see what they advise. You do not have to follow their advice if you feel concerned. Some on here might advise against consulting a doctor and assert that the medical profession generally know nothing about psoriasis or are not motivated to try and help you. This has not been my experience. I have lived all over the UK and in several countries outside, and the ONLY doctor I found that knew nothing about psoriasis was my GP at the university campus in 1980 who thought my first psoriasis outbreak was chicken pox. Mind you, after no response to the calamine lotion he gave me he did refer me to a dermatologist who recognised psoriasis before I had even sat down in his office. My face is largely clear currently apart from a tiny patch on the bridge of my nose that appeared last week. In the past I HAVE applied steroid to my face, but only by using the faintest smear on my finger, and only applying once or twice. (one of the issues is that steroid treatments can thin the skin - and the face is particularly susceptible to this. There is a condition that used to be referred to as - betnovate face - where extensive use on the face leads to a red-faced appearance) While waiting to see your doctor you can try moisturisers of various types. A couple of years ago, I used Body Shop Vitamin E night cream, and had good results on my psoriasis., and it is obviously perfectly suited to use on the face (although I don't know of any moisturiser that might not be suitable for the face). I also use Doublebase Dayleve Gel as a general moisturiser wherever I have psoriasis, although I have not need to use it on my face. Best of luck

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