Psoriasis Remmison: does it happen?

Posted Sun 24 Feb 2019 12.20 by psoriasis123

Like most people with psoriasis I would love for my symptoms of Psoriasis to just disappear, and apparently they can. Is psoriasis remission something that actually happens, I know you can have temporary remissions from steroids, but is there any way when I go into a temporary remission I can extent the amount of time I'm in it, environmental factors? Diet? do any of these play a part in triggering and prolonging remissions.

Posted Sun 24 Feb 2019 12.41 by ches

You pose the question about whether it is possible to have remission and/or disappearance. I reply as a sufferer for about 45 years on and off & with a family history of it, Yes, It can go away completely (my brother had it for years on and off & then it disappeared); My father had it most of his lifetime of it quite severely but died without a scrap nor sign of it on him, My adult 2 sons in their 30's have never had any whatsoever (thank heaven). I have better and longer periods of remission than when I was younger. Mine is a story of remissions. and becoming more moderate when it does come back. It is a real journey of trying to be in touch with your body as to what is best for you. I wish you heartfelt good luck. UVB narrowband treatment was always the best treatment for me - may not suit you of course - though I have tried all the creams pills and other things over the years, and a mixture of them all - some help, some do not. If you can afford it the safe sun of the Dead Sea in Jordan (being so low the atmosphere filters out the dangerous rays) helped me also.

Posted Mon 25 Feb 2019 17.14 by psoriasis123

Thank you, I'm getting UVB so thats good, I know I should just accept I've got it th

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