Dovobet making Psoriasis worse

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 14.56 by Leethario

Hi All, just registered today and was wondering if anyone else had had their psoriasis get worse because of Dovobet? I've used it for years now to clear up outbreaks, but in the last couple of months the patches on my elbows and legs have gotten redder and bigger. I've been using moisturisers too but the Dovobet is the only thing that goes on each patch. thanks, Lee.

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 15.33 by scouternorm

I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Previously I had used Dovebet & was prescribed a drug called Soriatane, but neither worked for me. Possibly CBD oil would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with a topical application of CBD oil. I don't ingest it. It's expensive - $90 for a 40 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 19.03 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 1 May 2019 10.01 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Lee, I have used Dovobet for several years and never had anything but good results from it - both on plaque psoriasis and guttate psoriasis (although I stopped using it on guttate as the patches were effectively spots, and it was incredibly laborious to apply the dovobet to the patches but avoid the healthy skin as far as possible). I have suffered from psoriasis to varying degrees of severity since 1980, and never found a steroid that actually made my condition worse. Maybe I was just lucky. From betnovate in 1980 to Dovobet now, and all treatments in between, I have always found the plaques disappeared and the skin began to clear up noticably after only 1-3 days of steroid application. Of course the clear-up was never permanent, but I was lucky (again) not to experience a significant "steroid rebound".

Posted Wed 1 May 2019 19.22 by Leethario

I do apply in circles that go over healthy skin, I wonder if that is part of the problem.

1 Posted Wed 1 May 2019 21.30 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 2 May 2019 04.17 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I have just always intuitively felt it was better not to apply steroid unnecessarily to healthy skin. Although I don't know if there really is a specific reason not to do so. I don't know for certain what problems it might create - although I am well aware of the skin-thinning effect of extended steroid use (40 years ago there was a term "betnovate face" - describing the red-faced appearance of someone who had over-used betnovate on the skin of their face). When I came out in guttate psoriasis after years of plaque psoriasis, I tried but gave up with the dovobet.. After discussion with my Doctor he agreed it was probably better not to just slather the dovobet all over the skin of my trunk, and prescribed a coal-tar preparation instead.

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 00.38 by Gemma100

Hi Leethario, Surprised it has had this effect after a few years of use. But I was prescribed it a couple of years ago after using Dovenex, which badly reddened the patches and increased the size of them within a matter of days. I was then prescribed Dovobet, unknown to me at the time Dovobet was just Dovenex with a potent steroid. I thought it was great for the first couple of weeks or so. My patches started to pale off and some looked smaller. Then after that, what you describe started happening to me. The patches began to get redder and grow in size, after about 3 weeks they were getting very sore. My doctor then decided to gradually reduce the amount use to take me off it . I presume to try and prevent a rebound effect. Didn't work for me woke up one morning covered head to foot. I may be a case of your body has got used to it and it no longer works on you. I now no longer try any creams of ointments at all. Every topical I was given either did nothing or made my condition worse. Ended up getting referred eventually for PUVA, which is another nightmare story after being burn 3 treatments in a row. I now use UVB at home to keep my condition under control the best I can.

Posted Wed 4 Sep 2019 13.48 by Aquamarine

Hiya! This happened to me - but because I was trying to come OFF Dovobet. Been using Dovobet pretty solidly for about 4 years which is super bad to do, then decided to try and come off it as it comes back worse after i stop using it. Been off it for about 1 or 2 months now and it's really bad but trying to not go back on steroids. Currently using a combo of Coal Tar/Deep Moisturiser/Coconut oil to keep it at bay but not working as well as dovobet, but stops it being REALLY bad. Will be trying out CBD & Celery juice over the next few months to see what i can do! Hope you find something that works and will let you know if anything is a success :) X

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 18.44 by Chris

Dovobet makes my psoriasis reduced by doesn’t make it go away. It does make me angry however (changes my mood) I have tried it a few times over the past 15 years and each time I get angry at everything after a few days use. I only use moisturising creams now which keeps it calm at least and liveable with.

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 19.59 by scouternorm

See my previous post in this thread about cannabis, CBD oil. I don't think that it would hurt to try it.

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 21.02 by Chris

They have started selling CBD oil here in Uk without prescription. I wouldn’t touch it myself, paranoia and self doubt is not what I am looking for. Everyone says that cannabis is harmless but after 20 years of seeing people who smoke it, they all have one thing in common. I am not saying it’s bad, I just don’t trust it. As an expert in skin disease said to me, fish, sun and wine are the best cures; so I try to chill out as much as I can.

Posted Mon 16 Sep 2019 22.15 by scouternorm

I don't ingest or smoke CBD. It is applied topically. Please tell me who your 'expert' was. To each their own, but after going down the medication & steroid route, CBD was my salvation!

Posted Wed 25 Sep 2019 06.33 by UmBongo

I would advise the OP to stop using Dovobet immediately, as it will just keep on thinning his skin. I have suffered from mild (up to 10%) plaque psoriasis for over twenty years. During this time I’ve tried many topical treatments and seen several dermatological consultants, whose attitude varied from slightly interested to unhelpful. This year, in mild desperation, I asked my GP to refer me to a consultant once more. He prescribed Enstilar and after using this for around two months, I am extremely happy with the results. My plaques have changed from itchy, red and scaly horrors, to a shadow (literally) of their former selves. Please ask your GP for Enstilar, which is a spray on foam, and I hope it helps you in the same way!

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