Hi there

Posted Sat 13 Sep 2014 21.34 by holly123
Mild to moderate plaque psoriasis on and off for 20+ years. More recently quite severe guttate psoriasis.

Hi everyone, This is my first post on here. I'm kind of looking for a bit of advice if anyone can give me any. But first a little about me. I'm 31 and was first diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 5 years old. I've always had plaque psoriasis and over the years it's come and gone (I tend to have plaques more often than I don't have them!) Apart from once when I was in my early 20's when it got a bit out of control, its usually been quite mild and I have always been able to treat it using topical treatments from my gp. For the past several years I have been using Dovobet which usually works a treat. However a few months ago I had tonsillitis and this has triggered a nasty bout of guttate psoriasis. I am shocked by how quickly the psoriasis has flared up. When it first happened I went to the docs who prescribed penicillin. She said that even though the infection had cleared up by this point there was probably bacteria still in my body which was affecting my psoriasis. I took the whole course but it has had no effect whatsoever. The psoriasis probably covers about 60% of my body now. It started of with lots of tiny patches but so many of them have appeared that they have merged together to form much larger patches. It seems to get worse day by day. The itching it terrible. I am also using doublebase gel to help with this. It helps a bit but does not stop the itching completely. It is so bad that I cannot sleep at night due to the discomfort. Some of my patches are actually starting to crack and bleed a little bit. The problem is that my gp is being no help at all. I would like a referral to a dermatologist but she won't give me one. I went back the other day and asked but all she did was prescribe yet more penicillin. She didn't listen when I said that it was far too wide spread to use the dovobet anymore (which isn't working anyway)

Posted Sat 13 Sep 2014 21.39 by holly123
Mild to moderate plaque psoriasis on and off for 20+ years. More recently quite severe guttate psoriasis.

Sorry pressed the post button by accident before I'd finished. Anyway she didn't even examine my skin or anything. I honestly think I need more than ointment at this point but I am not being listened to. Apart from the physical discomfort and lack of sleep it is having a major effect on my life. I usually go swimming and to the gym but I can't even consider doing this while my skin is so bad. I don't want to go out and socialise with friends as I can't bear people looking at it. I feel like my life is completely on hold until I get it sorted and at the moment no one will help which is really frustrating! Has anyone else had these kind of problems with their gp? If so I would be interested to hear how you dealt with it. So sorry for the long post by the way - I just really needed to get all of this out! Thanks very much for reading.

Posted Tue 16 Sep 2014 18.29 by Emma
I've had psoriasis since I was 15yrs after a reaction to penicillin.

Hey, I'm also a sufferer of both types of psoriasis, mine actually started after taking penicillin in my teens and I'm now 32. I have had trouble with doctors in the past, similar to what your saying, they either don't look at it and don't seem remotely interested or they have harped on about the cost for the topical treatments I use. I actually had sat in for an appointment and the GP turned the screen around and stated that each tube of dovabet costs over £70 and I really should be more realistic with my applications.......that was the last straw for me, I went to see another doctor, I made my mind up to be completely honest before I went in, normally I try to pretend it doesn't bother me and keep positive, but on this occasion I said everything you have above: avoiding going out, trouble sleeping, the pain and itching, the depression, the anxiety, not being able to carry out normal activities .....basically I poured my heart out before he said 'hi' & he referred me straight away. There can be quiet a long waiting list to see the dermatologist so discuss another treatment plan in the time being. I'm guessing you've tried most things though??? I had the UVB treatment and it worked really well but didn't last that long for me, a few weeks if that so I'm saving my light therapy for when I can't cope again. I do hope you get it sorted, there is nothing worse than being prisoner to your own body. Let me know how you've got on

Posted Fri 19 Sep 2014 01.47 by Vaanan
Whole body..high inflammation going to be 6 years.

Hi Holly123, I read your post. Am having psoriasis and now almost curing and have a big change. I suffered for 5 years with this chronic disease. Am sharing with you what i have done, it may give you relief and may bring down or save cost insteadt spending on high dosage drugs and top of that using the below is no side effects . Here it goes - First of all stop taking internal and external high dosage drugs. Because when you take this high dosage topical creams and pill, they will only surpress the psoriasis and let it be there for certain period of time but it won't totally remove them and on certain period it will come back and you need to suffer more than before. Now, pls do the followings :- 1) Please find a good homeapathy or siddha doctor. 2) Don't use any other topical creams. Use Dr.JRK's 777 Oil 3) Use Psorolin bath soap 4) Use Psorolin ointment 5) Avoid saltish food, hot and spicey, only be vegetarian 6) No smoking and alcohols. 7) Try to take supplement Transfer Factor 4Life Advance formula pills, this will repair and boost your immune system. Within 10 months you will out of psoriasis and the symptoms will gone. You can leave a happy life. Hope you get well soon tc :-) Cheers Vaanan - Malaysia

Posted Tue 11 Aug 2015 22.24 by CharlotteFrances
Suffered with Psoriasis since i was 6 years old and have been through every type of treatment possible!

Hi Holly, i have had a reaction like yours too! I was on Methotrexate for my Psoriasis, like you i was diagnosed with it when i was 6 years old im now 21, been using countless creams,ointments, sunbed treatment and most recently methotrexate tablets. Whilst on them i suffered with a really low immune system and during 2011 i managed to get tonsilitis 10 times! And in the october i was prescribed Pencillin, immediatley after taking i found a rash travelling up my arms, i done the tumbler test and it wasnt disappearing so i made my way up to A&E as i was scared it was meningitis, turns out it was a reaction alot of Psoriasis sufferers get when taking Pencillin, it was smothered head to toe in Guttate Psoriasis. What made matters worse was i was due to go on holiday a few days later. That was the worst holiday ive ever been on, i was getting horrible looks from judgmental people and it just upset me so much! Since then i have had a tonsilectomy and have come off the tablets! X

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