Allergies - limonene, tea tree & maybe linalool

Posted Sat 4 May 2019 14.27 by Londoner

Hi, I have plaque psoriasis, have just been diagnosed with probably guttae also, as well as skin contact dermatitis allergies to oxidised tea tree oil, oxidized limonene, and potentially also (though yet tbc) oxidised linalool. Just wondering if many people here have similar with psoriasis - if you've been tested for those at all - and therefore if I can expect my psoriasis to abate much or at all with the removal now of limonene in particular from my life (switching cosmetics, toiletries, all household cleaners, eliminating perfumes and anything containing "parfum" (often one of these especially limonene) and avoiding all citrus foods given possible limonene contamination from the peel)?

Posted Sun 5 May 2019 00.42 by wendyloish

Hi Londoner, Although I have not been tested for the chemicals you mention I do not believe I have a problem with them, but I am allergic to citronella, which is also a lemon fragrance. But I can and do eat citrus foods, so you may find that you do not have a problem with them. I notice that you mention "oxidised". This may be a key, as fresh lemon or orange juice may not be the same. A little fresh juice on the inside of your forearm will give you an answer. You might call it your own skin test. I do, like you, eliminate as many perfumed products as I can. I know some fragrances would be a problem as I only have to be in a confined space (like a lift) with a person with perfume to start sneezing and developing asthma. It does not always happen, but it is impossible to determine what chemicals in someone else's fragrance is affecting you. I have allergic reactions to a number of plants also, such as hibiscus and lavender. And I am hypersensitive to all opiates, from morphine down to codeine, but that is an ingestion problem as there are no poppies around to skin test this one. The skin allergies seem to stand apart from the psoriasis, so for me at least, eliminating those allergy causes has not related to stopping the psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. For control there I am relying on diet. Your digestive tract is closely related to your skin and has the same type of cells. I am currently trying to work out what foods I am allergic to. Latest revelation has been peanuts, but the list is long. Have a look at diet to control your psoriasis, it might work for you. wendyloish

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