Inverse Psoriasis

Posted Mon 6 May 2019 14.16 by cb296 (edited Mon 6 May 2019 14.35 by cb296)

Hi I'm new to this forum. I've been suffering with inverse (flexural) psoriasis for a couple of years now (only confirmed by dermatologist a few months ago, misdiagnosed as pitirius rosea, fungal rashes etc previously) I've tried so many different creams, but they all make the itching more intense and therefore makes rash more severe. I even up with a rash on my face from using steroid creams for so long, which the doctors had to give me antibiotics for. My current out break is all down my one shin area, and worse of all, my pubic area :-( Can anyone recommend anything that actually works? I don't want to go back to the doctors as I'm a bit fed up of getting my bits out for them to just throw another cream my way which only makes it worse. Thanks in advance guys x

Posted Mon 6 May 2019 14.50 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I have suffered with inverse psoriasis in my groin on and off for about 38 years, and had repeated recurrances over the past 15 years or so. The best treatment that has reliably "worked" for me is Timovate cream, and Elecon. Trimovate is a combination of steroid, anti-fungal and antibiotic. I found that it would seem to respond partially to straight ant-fungal treatments or standard over the counter anti-funglas that had 1% hydrocortisone, but only very, very slowly. NOW, if i get an outbreak, I treat it with Trimovate and Elecon for 2-3 days, continue trimovate for a further 5-7 days, even if it clears. I use both VERY sparingly and rub in well. Then I use a powder every morning and after every shower. I used to use Cuticura and the frequency of recurrance was reduced. I now use Gold Bond Extra Strength Medicated Powder, and I have not had a recurrance for months.

Posted Mon 6 May 2019 15.16 by scouternorm

I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Previously I had used Dovebet & was prescribed a drug called Soriatane, but neither worked for me.Possibly CBD oil would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with a topical application of CBD oil. I don't ingest it. It's expensive - $90 for a 40 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

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