
Posted Sat 13 Jul 2019 12.27 by JoCool

Hi, I am new to this forum but I have suffered on and off with psoriasis for more than 20 years. 2 years ago I got a very nasty case of tonsillitis and that triggered a flare of psoriasis on a scale that I have never had before. it was everywhere (and I mean everywhere). I eventually got light treatment (which was I think my 4th round over my life) so after 4 months I was clear again, apart from the odd patch and my scalp which never seems to go! However two years on I am in the same situation I have just had a bad case of tonsillitis and within 2 weeks I am covered. I am currently waiting on a referral to the hospital. So that's 2 bouts of tonsillitis that have caused an almighty flare up each time. Also I am not sure previously if this has been a trigger and I just haven't made the connection if you see what I mean. Has anyone else experienced this? or even had your tonsils removed as a result? The last time I spoke to the dermatologist 2 years ago she completely dismissed the suggestion but surely I have a case to have my tonsils removed if this is the devastating impact it has. My life is on pause right now and effects everything I do... I would love to hear some other stories if you have been through similar. It's such a lonely and horrible condition I feel I needed to come on here to connect with some others who understand. xx

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