Wonder Treatment

Posted Tue 24 Dec 2019 07.34 by MIchael V

I have had plaque Psoriasis for 44 years, UV treatment at my local Hospital has been the only effective treatment so far, but checkout my latest, which is proving a Revelation. Castor Oil. I am using 'Pukka' organic castor oil, and after just one application there is a significant improvement. You take a thick cloth or flannel. pore the oil onto cloth to soak in, place over the psoriasis patch, with a plastic sheet over, you apply a source of heat while the oil is absorbed. I am also taking 1 teaspoon daily in a hot drink. It's also worth checking out the book that put me onto this:- 'The OIl That Heals', by William A. McGarey, M.D. To me it has been a last stop treatment, has the Dovenex Cream is no longer available on prescription, and nobody appears to be manufacturing. They say there is no call for it. Well i would beg to differ! Best Wishes to my fellow sufferers.

Posted Sat 1 Feb 2020 06.45 by hainiej
Cannot go swimming any more

Is this still working for you?

Posted Sat 1 Feb 2020 20.44 by MIchael V

Yes it is. I also use Dead Sea Salts/Minerals Soap; you can get it from Boots, and Zinc and Castor Oil Cream. Good luck if you give it ago. I also have had some relief from Dove skin lotion, can't remember which one. Try and have destressing sessions also; meditation and taking time out, even if it's just going to the loo to chill out. Maybe the Chlorine is just causing enough irritation to make it flare.. If you have a Faith, then seek healing ministry, it feels a bit like Hypno-therapy, you ae like, walking on air afterwards, and very calm and at peace.

Posted Sun 2 Feb 2020 19.16 by JK

Hi there, this is a great tip I am going to get the book and try the caster oil. I have been trying extra virgin olive oil and e-v coconut oil with some success but i can't get to the root cause of what is triggering the flareups which are chronic at the moment. I did a 3 and a half day fast (just water) recently as I couldn't find anything to eat that didn't trigger. However I am not sure that didn't actually make the psoriasis worse.

Posted Mon 3 Feb 2020 03.25 by MIchael V

jk, I don't know if you have a Faith. I do and I was so low that I picked up my bible, read some scriptures of healing. I have a contact at Healing Rooms ,Leicester, so I phoned Jim and told him I had tried everything and could he help. Thursday evenings they hold a clinic ;for the want of a better word. I booked an appt and went along. In an old victorian Manor house, which has various groups of folk; council run, I met Jim for the first time, He lead Prayers whilst holding my hands , and Gill and Jaq sat and, with Gills hand on my shoulder, her and Jaq spoke in Tongues. Ok its a bit weird, and if you've not experienced it before ,(I had once) an almost surreal experience. Anyway at the end ,Jim asked how I felt. It was a feeling of complete peace, relaxation and total calm. So, this ,as an aspiring Christian was healing. Not completely fixed, but then who of us is. Another thing is positiveness. Check out this book;- 'How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body' by David R. Hamilton PhD. Wishing you success in getting better and I shall Pray for you every morning this month. Let me know how you get on.

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