Posted Wed 25 Mar 2020 13.28 by BrandyMcGowan

Hey! I'm 41 and was just diagnosed with pulstar psoriasis by a ER doctor last week. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to ease the itch. This is the worst. I've never itched so bad in my life. I feel like I'm stuck in a fire ants hill. Need relief!!

Posted Fri 27 Mar 2020 14.47 by Rach98

Hi! I've been really struggling with with itching at the moment too, theres Dead Sea bath salts you can get in pharmacies that are for psoriasis and eczema skin that I find helps ease it a little! Cool showers aswell, I haven't found anything that stops the itching yet completely 🙈

Posted Fri 27 Mar 2020 22.36 by BrandyMcGowan

Thank you. I've been doing a lot of research this week and I've seen lots of talk about the dead sea salt. Thanks I'm going to have to try it. I've tried everything I can get my hands on so far.

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 09.14 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Have you tried antihistamines?

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 17.56 by Jane

I use all of the following which help a lot ! 1) Hydromol ointment - I use this 3 times a day if you can but two will do , rub all over your body and us a babies hair brush rub this all over your body and shower off. Towel dry. 2) Exorex lotion - once you have towel dried your self put a thin layer all over your skin let it dry before putting your clothes on. To be done twice a day! 3) Silkis ointment - to be done once a day after your last shower and you have done all of the above. If that doesn't work I also have been given a mouse called - Enstilar which I put on just before I go to bed (I use this if I get a bad flare up). Hope this works for you and I know it is not easy but don't itch ! good luck!

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 18.33 by BrandyMcGowan

So far the best thing that has eased the itch for me has been antihistamine, coconut oil, and my uncle gave me some colbetasol propionate ointment. I'm willing to try anything at this point. Thanks for all the suggestions. Greatly appreciate!

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 19.01 by Jane

Yeah I had it for years and didn't know what it was until I took my son to a skin specialist and they made myself and my husband strip of which was when I found out that we had it. I only got bad in 2010 but every time I went to doctors I kept forgetting to tell them which was only 4 months ago. I have my own swim school and they put it down to being in the water to much, I have been told some many times to give my job up I have lost count! The last 2 doctors I have seen have been great and one of them actually has this condition him self, I know longer have it on my arms only on my legs now but it is starting to fade in colour I know longer feel I am on my own when it comes to my psoriasis! Yeah (with what has been going since Friday our pool has been closed so not been in the water either) some thing else I have done just this week is stopped drinking Alcohol! Keep and eye on what you are eating and drink has I know some food and drink can cause a flare up! Good luck let me know how you get on.

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 19.56 by BrandyMcGowan

I just found out what I had less than a month ago. Every time I'd ask the Dr about the flare ups he'd Tell me it was my nerves. Now I know what it is and that stress does cause mine to flare up.

Posted Sat 28 Mar 2020 20.51 by Jane

You need to keep going back that is what I had to do, don't give up what they do is start you on the weakest stuff and work their way up to the strongest. This is why it has taken me since 2010 and finding the right doctors that is stressful in its own right. What I would do is put the names of the cream in my post on your phone or computer then get one of the pre-paid prescription cards you can get these online I buy a 3 month one and time it just right so I only have to buy 2 or 3 I am lucky then go to doctor and ask for the first 3 on the list and say some one has recommended these has they have the same problem you need a big pot of Hydromol ointment! While you are in chemist get the babies hair brush try this for about a month see how you go the if you haven't had any improvement go back and ask for the mouse. I also have on my phone a GP App which I have all my repeat prescription items so don't have to go to the doctors just click on the item to request it then the pharmacy get it and call me when it is ready! Don't forget to get the doctor to put every item on repeat prescription for you! Good luck I do hope it works for you 😊 let me know how you get on. 🙏😊

Posted Sun 29 Mar 2020 13.19 by Lisamariewilson

Hi, I tried Dead Sea salt baths do help. I am not one for baths, prefer showers but have noticed a difference. I get them from Boots for around £5. Also want to mention that I was told Ginger can help, my Psoriasis started on my scalp and was really bad. I started using Ginger shampoo and conditioner from the Body Shop and my scalp is now completely clear!!

Posted Mon 30 Mar 2020 23.09 by BrandyMcGowan

Thank you everyone for all the advise and ideas. I've been trying some of these and working on trying more soon. I'm finally starting to look like I'm on the healing side of the flare up. Fingers crossed!

Posted Tue 31 Mar 2020 12.25 by Jane

Hi Brandy Let us all know which ones are working for you to help others has every one is different on how psoriasis affects them and it is a combination of the creams, mouse etc that people have to work through that gives them best best results! It is a good feeling when some starts to work for you! My fingers are crossed for you that some of the items people have said to try works for you. Good luck Jane 😁🤞

Posted Mon 4 May 2020 10.02 by Sally

Hello My psoriasis has gradually gone away until I just have one place affected now, that's in one ear canal. The itching drives me crazy. I dry it carefully after shampooing and I use hydrocortisone cream a couple of times a week together with brulidine cream on other days because I'm afraid of infection I scratch it so much. It's dreadful. I've tried E45. I dont think it's much good. I'm afraid of using hydrocortisone every day. What do other people do to mantel this awkward site?

Posted Mon 4 May 2020 10.08 by Jane

Hi Sally have you tried wearing ear plugs when you wash your hair or have a shower? The best ones are silicone you should be able to buy them online and they are not expensive might be worth giving it ago. Jane

Posted Tue 19 May 2020 14.55 by Mel
Hello l don't suffer from psoriasis fortunately. But I do have a continuous problem with Itching. I have had phototherapy treatment 3 times

Hi. I have had body itching for around 2 years. This is all over apart from my scalp. Ive seen various doctors most said possible scabies!!! Had treatments for this but to no avail, because not this problem. Waited about 12 months referral to Dermatologists. She prescribed course of Phototherapy with narrowband uvb. 3 time a week for 10 weeks. Worked great for 7 weeks then had cold sores so could not have therapy for 3 weeks till cleared. During this wait my itching reappeared. And hasnt disappeared. This was December 2019 .waited for next consultation 5 May 2020 .Had this by telephone due to Covid19 happening. Now have to wait for a course of PRUVA. Starting October. But in the meantime have investigated buying a Narrowband uvb Canopy . Looking for a pre used one. The creams which I have found best Balneum Plus.and Balneum Plus bath addative. I use Epsom salts with TeaTree oil( the salts used as a carrier for the oil) in bath with three carps of Balneum Plus oil. If anyone has found anything better please contact me. Itching is indescribable, nights without continuous sleep. .

Posted Sat 30 May 2020 10.52 by denis

I don't think I can put up with this itching much longer, my skin is in a terrible state, I am 75 years old I have genital psoriasis, I would rather be dead than have this everyday.

Posted Sun 31 May 2020 09.13 by Jane

Hi Denis try all of the following ! I use all of the following which help a lot ! 1) Hydromol ointment - I use this 3 times a day if you can but two will do , rub all over your body and us a babies hair brush rub this all over your body and shower off. Towel dry. 2) Exorex lotion - once you have towel dried your self put a thin layer all over your skin let it dry before putting your clothes on. To be done twice a day! 3) Silkis ointment - to be done once a day after your last shower and you have done all of the above. If that doesn't work I also have been given a mouse called - Enstilar which I put on just before I go to bed (I use this if I get a bad flare up). Hope this works for you and I know it is not easy but don't itch ! good luck!

Posted Sun 31 May 2020 10.19 by denis

thanks so much.

Posted Sun 31 May 2020 23.05 by Jane

Hi Denis you need to keep going back to your doctor until they get it sorted, but the stuff I listed has worked well for me, you need to make sure you get into routine with it. I hope it works has well for you has it has for me! Jane

Posted Mon 1 Jun 2020 11.48 by denis

thanks jane.i will try.

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