Really bad flare up

Posted Thu 7 May 2020 23.54 by Sammielouise27

Hi guys I’m 27 years old and had psoriasis all my life from the age of 1 years old. I have had all the creams steroids etc and was put on methotrexate but they made me really poorly so my dermatologist took me off them and gave me enstillar which really helped for a year then about 5 months ago I saw my psoriasis was getting worse so I started using the enstialler every day for 2 weeks then had a 2 week break ect... but recently it’s has completely gone out of control and I’m completely cover to the point where it’s on my hands and I can no longer work as I’m a hairdresser by trade I have recently applied for disability help as not being able to work has put me in to financial difficulty & no one one will employee me because of my skin... but people are saying I won’t be entitled to it I was wondering if anyone else gets help? Surely psoriasis is a disability somehow? Does anyone have any recommendations of any other cream I could use until this pandemic over? Thank you for reading my story x

Posted Fri 8 May 2020 02.06 by Antiquelady1

Sorry you are going through this on your hands. I find using the steroid cream halobetasol to work very well. After I use it for a couple of days my hands are so much better. I hope it helps you!

Posted Fri 8 May 2020 14.15 by Steview
A P sufferer for over 30 years, through good and bad times.

Sorry to hear your current issues. I am not sure if being a P sufferer covers for disability benefit unless any other health issues maybe. It's a shame you didn't react well to Mtx, that can be a really effective treatment. Depending how widespread on your body and the fact you have had creams and mtx, what about uvb treatment? .The next stage may be biologics but there is a strict assessment criteria that you would have to discuss with your dermatologist. Good luck

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