It’s embarrassing and I’m not me anymore

Posted Sun 10 May 2020 18.07 by BlueBox1210

Hello, First let me say I hope everyone is well and keeping safe in these uncertain times. I’m new and nervous even writing about this, so last year I got diagnosed with mild psoriasis, it mainly affected my hair line and beard area and around my cheeks and nose. It was scaly, dry and itchy. I don’t let facial hair grow as it makes everything worse and parts of my face turn red and patchy and it kind of bothered me. The last few weeks I have found other areas on my body that have started to become affected like my elbows, hands, forearms and my scalp is worse all over, certain areas seem to have red little dots not just itchy/flakey patches. The doctors gave me a scalp treatment and also a shampoo to help with the problem and it has eased it a little. My biggest issue is my groin and private parts. This is becoming a massive issue for me. It’s covered in red, itchy patches, dry skin and it causes such an itching sensation that it can drive me insane. It’s bad and I’ve scratched so bad at times that I’ve removed layers of skin. I feel terrible about myself and don’t feel attractive or even like my old self. I have a partner and don’t see how she could be attracted to me as it can be too painful to be intimate heck yesterday it was to painful and uncomfortable to wear underwear. It is all getting to me and I’m getting completely fed up/ depressed by the whole thing. I’m in my 30s and just feel so down. Sorry if I’ve rambled I just don’t know how to talk to anyone about all this. Thank you for reading and sorry again.

Posted Sun 10 May 2020 18.23 by Greytop

I would say your psoriasis is more than mild. I don't know whether you have read historical posts on this site. When I joined I did and there was a post about eating plenty of blueberries for the condition. I have been eating plenty of blueberries for nearly a year now and it has certainly improved my condition dramatically. It could be worth a try, there is no logical reason for this but it works for me.

Posted Sun 10 May 2020 18.25 by Rob1981

I was the same as yourself iv got it on my knees elbows hair arse balls feet the lot iv seen every doc going. Over the last two weeks iv changed my diet to gluten free and with in those two weeks its gone from my elbow and leaving me knees. Now. I'm a big drinker I drink most days i was told stop drinking but I like a few cans on a night. I changed to cider as its gluten free changed my bread biscuits etc and honest I can't believe the difference no more red spots on my elbows or out so il give it another few weeks and see I still need to constantly mostorise etc but some thing is happening. Cheers Rob

Posted Sun 10 May 2020 18.44 by BlueBox1210

Thanks for your replies I really didn’t/don’t know how to talk about this. My partner suggested gluten free things, I don’t really drink that often apart from the occasional cider. It’s good to speak to others with similar problems. It’s been causing me so much grief for a couple of weeks now. Thank you again.

Posted Sun 17 May 2020 00.08 by Sizzy
Psoriasis 40 years, most treatments tried over this time, currently on biologics (stelara) as nothing else work.

Hi all, I've had psoriasis for over 30 years. I came off Humira a year ago and am in a flair. New biologic treatment put on hold due to the pandemic. I always had gut issues until I cut out the following from my diet. All nightshades (tomato, aubergine, white potatoes etc), onions and gluten, most refined sugar (I do still eat chocolate though) and citrus fruits. I do not drink alcohol and only use lactofree milk. Guts have been fine since with no tablets or gaviscon needed. Skin improved slightly at first but unfortunately, no amount of blueberries or the diet change has calmed it down and is slowly getting worse. Psoriasis is very individual, so what works for one, may not work for another x

Posted Sun 17 May 2020 13.11 by Mr Wilks

Thank you for your honest post BlueBox1210. What you describe mirrors my situation - including how I too feel about myself. I have had Psoriasis since 2014, and yet only now (crazy, I know) have I searched online to find this support. I guess there's being fed-up and then there's being fed-up of being fed-up (rock-bottom with it). I see already the supportive, empathic comments and suggestions you have recieved from others - and I realise that real and challenging lifestyle changes are needed if I am to have a chance at making it better. Thank you all :-)

Posted Sun 17 May 2020 13.45 by BlueBox1210

Hey Mr Wilks, Thanks for sharing with me, In the past week since writing my Doctor has been good enough to give me 2 more prescriptions to try one is a tablet and the other is a ointment. All together for different areas in my body I use 4 different prescriptions and certain areas are now starting to ease/clear up. I’m sure it won’t be a forever fix but at least it’s a respite for the time being. I hope you get some similar respite. This hasn’t altered my mental state at all but it’s a small step forwards.

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