Creams don't work - not sure if I really have pso now!

Posted Sun 8 Mar 2015 21.44 by chepa

I've first had pso on my nipples - it was really painful and a biopsy was taken and it was said to be psoriasis. This even surprised one of the dermatologist I was seeing who was specialising in psoriasis. Only going to the Dead Sea helped healing it which cost a fortune and luckily three years later when I had another breakout I was prescribed Elocon which sorts it out now. Now I also sometimes have these horrible big patches on my skin, especially where it gets really dry (near my ankles). I've used soo many steroid creams to treat eczema but it came back immediately once Ive stopped. I saw a dermatologist and this time she wanted me to Dovonex (for pso) and it has gotten worse immediately, totally crusty and bigger!!! :( I'm desperate now. Could I show some pictures and you could tell me whether it looks more like pso or eczema for you? I'm trying to get an emergency appt and hopefully she can take a swab... Please, any help is appreciated, Ive had it over a year and it still hasnt gone and its itchy and really ruining my life :(

Posted Thu 19 Mar 2015 21.04 by Rachel
I have psoriasis.

I agree, creams really don't help me either. I used to be covered in cream and hate it especially as it didn't help me at all, however I then tried methotrexate and it completely cleared up! Yes it's come back about 5 years later but I have started them again and I truely advise you talk to your doctor about starting them. They come with some risks but it's worth it.

Posted Wed 25 Mar 2015 19.38 by Rave
Skin rashes

I have omitted vegetable oil from my diet with some success. Its still early days but I think i'm winning the psoriasis battle. Vegetable oils are refined using solvent to extract the oil from the produce used. Extra virgin olive oil is mechanically pressed so is prob ok... I am not a doctor or expert... but checking the ingredients of all food for any oils (other than Extra Vergin Olive Oil) and omitting the contaminated foods from my diet appears to be working with some success. I am on week 3 of the no oil diet with a 30% improvement....

Posted Fri 27 Mar 2015 22.29 by Miyaya

Hello, whether it is eczema or psoriasis, I think definitely stop using the Dovonex if it makes it worse. It may be more helpful to find out the cause of the symptom and treat from there. I agree with an emergency app and consultancy with a group of dermatologists

Posted Tue 1 Dec 2015 11.55 by callagg
flames up from time to time.

<a href="">psoriasis cream</a> works on some people and some others they don't. You have to do a lot of experimenting.

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