Tanning Beds

Posted Thu 28 Jan 2021 07.40 by Jene.JP

Well, I have just done my second session in am indoor tanning bed and my psoriasis has cleared by about 87%. Background: I am a 26 year old female, very athletic, but high stress and have been doing the no nightshades, no gluten, no sugar, no alcohol, no red meat diet for about 6 years, i have recently been taking l-glutamine before breakfast and dinner, started eating 20 blueberries a day, and started taking complex B vitamin 3 days ago. -- After having COVID my psoriasis exploded. So bad. I cried for over an hour and made an appointment with my doctor finally deciding after having P for 19 years to try oral medications....but then I read how horrible many people's experiences have been and went through the forums in this community deciding to try everything I could that worked for others (blueberries, l-glutamine, complex B vitamins) and at the same time decided to try UVB exposure. -- After 2 days (5 days apart) in the lowest quality tanning bed at my local tanning salon, my P. has cleared up by almost 90%. I used there bed that has the most UVB light (UVA tans so the newer fancier beds filter out alot of UVB, the latter of which penentrates deeper and seems to be more effective for inhibiting the stuff that causes P. flare ups). I tan pretty easily, but have started out with 6 minutes total (doing 3 min on each side). Obviously there is a risk to using indoor tanning beds, so please do you research! But i am sosososososo very happy with what 2 days in the VIP bed at Sienna Tan has done for me! :D *angels singing* - MJ

Posted Thu 28 Jan 2021 21.49 by bargainlovingmum

Hi JeneJP - that is absolutely fantastic. What a lovely thing to happen, too, after going through covid. Congratulations! Many thanks for sharing. Do let us know what happens in the weeks and months to come. I'm doing that same diet, and it seems it can help with perseverance. Interesting that additional things like the sunbed can give it a kick start to clear the skin more fully, though.

Posted Fri 29 Jan 2021 17.59 by Jene.JP

Hey Bargainlovingmom, I highly encourage the dietary stuff, not only does it help with psorisis, but having been in higher ed for almost 9 years I don't find muhc time to excersize and really htink it has helped keep me lean and healthy. If you have access to a tanning bed, I highly reccomend trying that to give your P a swift kick in the butt to get you started. Just like 7-8 minutes in a bed twice a week might help a lot. Good luck! Best, M

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