Sunlight “therapy” worked for me

Posted Mon 15 Feb 2021 04.47 by StephLA (edited Mon 15 Feb 2021 04.50 by StephLA)

This is about Guttate Psoriasis. I was covered from face to ankle. Disclaimer: 1. what I did may not be recommended, particularly in your situation. 2. Steroid cream + sun = hyperpigmentation 😑 I don’t want to unnecessary explain; so this is the TL;DR version. - I had Gutatte psoriasis for a year. - The only remedies that prevented the spots from getting inflamed was using a steroid cream and going 100% vegan. — (I used to eat fast food 1-2 / week) - I applied steroid cream only on the spots... like a cheetah. - I got hyperpigmentation on the spots... like a cheetah 😭 - Ritual of steroid cream + strict diet: 9-11 months. Sunlight “therapy” — Laying on the rooftop at the peak of summer, at the hottest time of day. — 5- 10 mins per side Results: - Usually, the psoriasis symptoms were the worst at nighttime. However, the night after my first Sun session, the spots were less inflamed and the itch was bearable. - I think: if I didn’t act so extreme and lay out at the peak of sunlight, I may have prevented hyperpigmentation. - I think: If I didn’t put steroid cream in a cheetah pattern, I wouldn’t realize I had hyperpigmentation. (Appearance-wise. Hyperpigmentation is due to sun damage) - My psoriasis started from my face and worked down. After several weeks, my face and arms cleared up. — In hindsight, it’s probably because of the daily exposed to sunlight. Moderate sunlight, over a period of time. - I didn’t get hyperpigmentation in my face or arms. - Hyperpigmentation showed itself, during the following summer and lasted a few months.

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