Dreams about psoriasis coming back (really badly) again?

Posted Tue 13 Apr 2021 12.59 by redzo98

Hey guys, My P is pretty much clear bar a few spots because of a lot of steroid cream and vitamins.. but I keep getting really vivid dreams where my P comes back aggressively and I'm covered in it again.. does anyone else get these dreams and if so why are they happening!?

Posted Wed 14 Apr 2021 08.42 by Tess
58 years

I haven't had these dreams - but I imagine it's because your unconscious mind is thinking about the psoriasis returning? I gave up drinking alcohol a couple of years ago. I have really vivid dreams about drinking and feeling terrible about it. Maybe it's a similar thing? Dreams are weird aren't they?

Posted Mon 23 Oct 2023 16.50 by OldSoulDayDreamer (edited Mon 23 Oct 2023 16.59 by OldSoulDayDreamer)
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Your dream means you need emotional healing. The psoriasis in a dream is emotionally getting you under your skin. Your posting about your psoriasis dream means you're emotionally freaking out, clearly. Find coping methods or talk to a therapist who can help with coping properly. For others who never had psoriasis either means adultery opportunity is coming in your life to either act or ignore it. Lastly, The other meaning of psoriasis is the opportunity for more money to come into your life real soon. Basically, Whenever psoriasis comes into someone's dream, most of the time it is a sign that you are itching for another opportunity to get out of your frustrations in life, and emotionally feel overwhelmed by the frustrations.

Posted Sat 4 Nov 2023 18.21 by mt382

Dreams are just chaotic processing of fear etc. Doesn't always relate to something from the moment. You've had psoriasis, you presumably didn't like it, you're enjoying not having active psoriasis, it's natural for the fears to surface. When I was first diagnosed ten years ago I had this horrible dream that I has big red boils with mushrooms (with beansprout bases) growing up out of them - I was obviously scared of my skin, and it felt alien and scary

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