Research Participants Needed

Posted Mon 20 Jul 2015 18.08 by CamillaSh

Department of Psychology City University London PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR RESEARCH INTO THE USE OF ONLINE SUPPORT FORUMS FOR PEOPLE WITH PSORIASIS We are looking for female volunteers to take part in a study looking at the use of online support forums for people with Psoriasis and how they can be utilised to deal with feelings of stigma and social isolation. You would be asked to take part in a telephone interview lasting up to 1 hour, discussing your experiences of having Psoriasis, and your use of online Psoriasis forums. For more information about this study, or to take part, please contact: Camilla Shaughnessy (Health Psychology MSc student) - This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Committee, City University London. PSYCH (T/L) 14/15 163

Posted Thu 23 Jul 2015 12.01 by Jess
I have had Severe Psoriasis for the past two years. Covered from scalp to feet, I have only just managed to start getting a hold on it.

Hi there, I would be happy to participate. My e-mail address is

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