Ear psoriasis

Posted Mon 23 Sep 2013 09.55 by altacoustic (edited Thu 19 Jun 2014 00.38 by Emma)
I have had psoriasis since the age of 7. As a child it was the cause of a lot of bullying. Especially as I was on steroids, and gained weigh

Hi, I am another newbie to the forums. I have had ear psoriasis since childhood. It can affect my hearing very badly qt times. I have recently found two things that really help. Firstly, my dermatologist proscribed diproscilac liquid ointment, which he told me to use sparingly inside the ear like drops. Secondly, ear candling to clear out the debris. It is not gone, but is a lot easier and I am hoping for a lot fewer ear infections this winter as a result.

Posted Wed 9 Oct 2013 14.13 by spymaster58 (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 07.40 by marylou)
Since childhood.

I have p constantly going in my ears and feel it going in to eardrum if quick enough can catch the flake with cotton but etc. Also need to keepouter esr clean as skin flakes constantly.

Posted Mon 2 Dec 2013 20.28 by Amandine (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 07.41 by kkpradhan)
Plaque Psoriasis since childhood, now nail psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, eye problems, the full monty really!

I have had it in my ears for years - daily I peel layers of dry skin out of my ears right at the top, and in the last year or so it has been in the rest of the accessible part of the inside of the ear. I also get itching on the outside of the ear but no flaking. Some people say Olive oil helps, I have just started using dovobet gel (had the ointment for years) and that is the right consistency to dab a bit in the ears without it running in or needing a lot of rubbing in.

1 Posted Wed 29 Jan 2014 18.49 by rachybabe (edited Fri 19 Dec 2014 01.59 by Lisa6815)
Winter time is really bad for my psoriasis, my skin gets sore and cracks, I cant kneel as my knees are really sore

Hi im new to this forum but ive had psoriasis 14 years, I have it bad in my ears, ive used olive oil, also ive had a machine that send uv light on it, I found it very effective. I do get infections in my ears and have gone temporary deaf, due to the build up of skin and wax, this condition is not pleasant.

1 Posted Tue 18 Feb 2014 19.21 by jorock89 (edited Thu 19 Jun 2014 00.38 by unurgat93)
Scalp, body, and ear. mild case but it bothers the crap out of me.

So I have P in my ear as well and i've been dabbing a bit of the medicine my doctor gave me in it but not in the canal of course but I've noticed a weird popping in my ear ever since I started using this medicine. Is anybody else experiencing this?

Posted Wed 26 Mar 2014 17.33 by BenGrimm (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 07.41 by ebony and ivory)
Obliterated my self confidence. Lost my partner due to genital p

I _had_ p on & in my luggs, like, Amandine I too was peeling off layers. 10 days before starting UVB treatment I was ordered (UVB reflects of off p scales) to use the following: Outer ear (descale): Eumovate Outer ear (manage): Dovonex Cream - Dipro/Doublebase Inner ear (descale & manage): Coal tar solution in Arachis oil After 4 or 5 days it went from 70% coverage to 5%. Now, after 11 UVB treatments it's 100% gone. P.S: Go easy with the Dovobet gel, its a steroid, which, as you know thins the skin.

Posted Sun 6 Apr 2014 17.51 by lizbethalexander@yahoo.com
30 years - major PS.

Yes - and I have pierced ears which means I have to take great care to avoid infections. However since recently going gluten free the ps has significantly improved - ears as well. Otherwise the coal tar was the thing that helped.

Posted Mon 12 May 2014 09.37 by Anna (edited Tue 13 May 2014 13.50 by Deejay)
Scalp, Psoriatic Arthritis and now guttate psoriasis! Living hell

I have scale in my ears, and frequently get very blocked. I also wear hearing aids, which makes it very hard to use Olive oil or any product inside the outer ear. It becomes infected sometimes, and my ear swells up and is very red and painful. Nightmare! Antibiotics- then I have to stop the Biological treatment fro Psoriatic Arthritus- a viscious circle. Having had numerous ear infections in the last 6 months- I now have Guttate Psoriasis on my back, legs and now starting on my arms. Research Reasearch Research- well done Association for the funding plan.

Posted Sat 15 Nov 2014 19.53 by Ceebee (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 07.42 by garysmith)
Started with psoriasis 23 years ago. Had topical, UV and steroid treatments over that timeframe

So glad I've read this, been backwards and forwards to GP itching, sore and hearing loss for 3 years. Finally convinced them to refer me to ENT as having dizzy spells. Have had Psoriasis for a long time and never thought it was that in my ears. Consultant prescribed ear calm . Been using that for 2 months and the problem is worse. I'm now going to try olive oil. That will save me £7.10 every week . So helpful . Thanks

Posted Sun 4 Jan 2015 22.55 by killian32

how useless are ent specialists when it comes to this? seriously. nobody has had anything good to say about them. ive been to 3 different ones iover the years. and not one gave a damn about my problem. they seem to think its a minor inconvenience when its really a life changing nightmare. any updates from previous posters? paerticularly the linseed oil poster

Posted Sun 8 Feb 2015 10.59 by drwain
Just (self) diagnosed...scalp, genitals, underarms....

Hi, Sorry to hear of your ear problem, but Im glad I found it. I started with the scalp lesions. Just a few small ones at my hair line. Thought it was my hat rubbing (I wear a leather hat to protect my head in the sun). Then I got genital p and underarms and started researching for a natural cure. Low and behold now I know why my ears have been so itching for months. I use my little finger in each ear way too often. Its like a habit. But it feels good when a little bit of skin comes out on my nail. Relief that I know what it is now - I will start with Apple Cider Vinegar - its my wifes answer to everything and I havevread it elsewhere. Dave

Posted Mon 9 Feb 2015 11.46 by Timothy
mild PS for nearly 30 years. mainly on elbows, head, legs.

I also have been use Apple Cider Vinegar for my ears. I noticed about six months ago that my ears had p. I was using Apple Cider Vinegar to calm my elbows, so tried some in my ears. I apply with cotton wool buds or cotton wool sticks and rub it in and around the ear last thing at night. It has dried up and not visible anymore. I can now go for days without having to reapply it.

Posted Sat 14 Feb 2015 15.34 by eli_gwyn
I developed a rare form when I was a teenager. I was hospitalized by the condition. I recovered and, since then, it has been a relatively mi

I've got that crunching noise in my ear. I imagine it is dead skin and the sound of my pulse. I guess I'll have to put olive oil in there although I'm apprehensive because when I've used olive oil in the past, my ears have become completely blocked! My ears are clean and I have hardly any earwax but they are itchy and dry, inside and out.

Posted Thu 19 Mar 2015 21.08 by Rachel
I have psoriasis.

I have it in and around my ears and its not nice at all. People always comment on it and don't understand and I've only ever got ride of it once. I know it's awful but try being a teenager in this kind of society with it and you'll understand how painful it is.

Posted Tue 31 Mar 2015 04.29 by kim16993
Scalp, ears, hands and genital psoriasis.

My first psoriasis began in my ears when I was 14. My mum always told me it was just dry skin and the put some moisturiser on it. That never worked. It wasn't until I was diagnosed at age 20 that I knew what it was and I was diagnosed with ear, scalp, hand, and genital psoriasis and also arthritis all on the same day. The only P I've managed to clear up is my hand. The genital is only a small minor patch and come and goes. It's the scalp and ear P that drives me crazy! I have a scalp lotion that my doctor gave me and it settles it down temporarily. Are there any good products/topical solutions that are really good at soothing the scalp? In 8 years my ears have never stopped peeling and itching through my whole ears. Can someone please give me some advice on how you treat your ears. I've tried heaps of things but nothing stops them flaking. Also how do you warm up the olive oil? I've only ever used room temperature and just used a ear bud to apply it.

Posted Fri 10 Apr 2015 15.22 by Jayney_84 (edited Mon 11 Jan 2016 07.44 by Smoggy59)
I get psoriasis all over my back, sides, stomach, chest, legs and elbows. I am now 31 years of age and suffered with it since the age of 7.

I always get p in my ears, and around my ears, not as bad as a=in my actual ear canal tho but just surrounding, i just use a small amount of my Dovobet ointment every night until it clears. Obv always comes back again within a few weeks.

Posted Tue 14 Apr 2015 20.34 by Carole22
Stated mildly as a teenager and tends to run in the family. I took psoriatic arthritis at 30 am now in my early 50s and it worst ever. Su

Hi I have psoriasis most places ears included . I have had them micro suctioned which I could do with more often, but here it is nhs and a long waiting list . I do use dovobet at times . I have to be careful as it can damage my hearing aid. (yes had to get one ) I just put a tiny dab of it on my finger and rub in my ears .

Posted Tue 12 May 2015 05.08 by sue68
My body was compley covered in it I have had it 17yrs I head ears lose toe nails and finger nails had to let my hair grow am on hummra now l

Hi I have just been ti ENT for my p down my ears I have been going two years now I have it vacuum I use to tell my p doctor that I was losing my earing but she didn't take me on until one day my hearing went all together my GP told me I had a bud stuck in it and sent me to the nurse to suck it out put she wouldn't touch it cause she said it looked like it was infected so off to ENT the nurse tried god love her and then the doctor had to come in and do it there was two years of skin and wax mixed together and was stuck on my drum now I go it was every 6 weeks then 3mths the 6 and now it's 9mths but don't get me wrong my ears get really itchy and sometimes weep I have to stop water going down but I will tell you I put a bit of doveabet down there it stops the itch straight away and it stops me from putting my nail down there taking the skin of you just I to do what's best for you everyone is different and copes with p different

Posted Mon 25 May 2015 21.22 by Hanzing
Had scalp and neck/shoulder psoriasis since I was a child. Occasional flare up on legs/elbows.

Have had posriasis for over 18 tears on my scalp neck and behind/around ears. It wasn't until Jan this year though that my ear became blocked on one side and lost my hearing in left ear - had to do the old olive oil treatment for a week, and two microsuction treatments which hurt so much! In the end they ended up irrigating out my ear as it couldn't come out with suction as it was just too painful. I wondered at the time if it was connected to the psoriasis but nurse didn't seem sure. After 2 months relief my right ear is now doing the same thing.. argh! Definitely recommend olive oil - it does make it worse at first as it make the wax expand but it will then settle down and help to unblock the ear drum. Hoping I can shift this ear so wont be back to docs again for more irrigation..

Posted Wed 27 May 2015 14.07 by jo-jo
Had it since I was 13, now 54. Very embarrassed and depressed about it. I've never had a clear time and now my scalp is covered and for the

I've just reluctantly spent £14.99 on yet another shampoo for my scalp. Has anybody used Humankind Organics? I'm not sure if I've been taken for a fool again in believing all the fantastic reviews on their website. I can't find anything on the internet about them other than their own website and I'm suspicious. However, I've used the shampoo 5 times now and can see and feel some improvement. Its a bit too soon to tell if I'm going to be raving about it like the hundreds of others on their website. I would just like to know if anyone else had tried it and what results, if any, were there?

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