I wonder if anyone can offer advice. I started a P flare last January after I had a steroid injection for my thumb arthritis. Started off with little patches but has really ramped up since September. My legs and arms are covered in plaques.
I hired a Phillips TL01 2 wks ago but am actually deteriorating. I have not burned at all and I’m up to 1 min 10 seconds.
I’m getting more spots appearing and the sequelae ends up with them turning into plaques. The plaques I have are not improving yet and I think getting bigger.
I use minimal enstilar to target visible patches on my neck- I gave up with it elsewhere because it wasn’t getting rid of them and I worry about the steroid.
I wonder can anyone tell me if they have experienced the same. and should I persevere? Worried I might be making matters worse. Thank you if anyone can help.
Posted Wed 29 Jan 2025 16.22 by Jane1970
Hi, so l’m recently going through a flare up of Guttate after having a strep infection. I’ve had UVB treatment before so knew this was the way to go for me.
So l purchased a full length lamp. I started treatment in November and l am up at 4 mins now. I still have a few patches mostly on the front of my legs. The legs do take longer to clear. Currently using on my back now cause l started to get it there. Got to be careful there as easier to burn. I do have patches on my arms but enough to warrant UVB lamp usage. Just using ointment there.
It’s going to take some time to start improving. Weeks in fact. I am still getting patches pop up. Don’t give up. Can l ask if you use ointment too?
I useCalcipotriol/Betamethasone every evening too. The two work very well together.
Also do you moisturise your skin twice a day? I use double base gel. Again this is something you need to do for the best effectiveness.
Hope this helps.
Posted Wed 29 Jan 2025 17.19 by LeopardLady
Thanks for replying Jane. No ointments just Cetraben few x per day as pre dermatologist rec. The itching is just unbearable to the point of having some days off work. I’m up to 60 seconds now but zero improvement thus far. Is double base better IYO?
Thanks again
Posted Sun 9 Feb 2025 04.04 by mjones
My itching is unbearable too. All over body. Took 2 Phenergan and made me worse and heart palpitations and the agitation was terrible. Not taking anymore. Was soooo restless.
Posted Sun 9 Feb 2025 20.01 by bargainlovingmum
Hi - I’ve struggled with big red patches and smaller spots on my legs for over 13 years. Enstilar worked best at first, but then not doing so much. I was also worried about using strong steroids for decades. I’ve tried healthy diets and vitamins and probiotics and all sorts, but none has made a lasting difference.
I bought a hand held UVB lamp in December. I stopped using all steroids and just use a shop bought moisturiser (Child’s Farm Oat Derm) twice a day. I use the lamp every couple of days and am now on 1 min 20.
It was stressful itchy and prickly for the first 2-3 weeks. It’s not itchy any more. My patches have faded significantly but they are still very visible to me. I also sometimes get new small red patches. These don’t seem to come to much, tho, when I keep using the lamp on them.
I’ve got patches on my hands, arms and elbows, too, and they’ve cleared up a lot quicker than my legs.
That was interesting what you said, Jane1970, about legs taking longer.
I’m going to stick with the lamp as I am happy not to be using steroids and not to be itchy anymore.
Leopardlady i really hope the lamp starts working better for you very soon. It would be wonderful to find a way to heal from psoriasis. It’s such an upsetting condition.
Posted Mon 10 Feb 2025 12.47 by Yacht
UVB typically takes 8-16 weeks to clear psoriasis. Be patient. The bigger and older and thicker the red plaque, the harder it is to "burn away" and takes longer.
It's worth noting that UVB is very effective at 100% clearance of psoriasis... But it's often only temporary... The psoriasis will often come back (rebound) after a month or two, when the UVB stops.
That's not great news, of course. But it's important to be aware of the limitations of UVB. The psoriasis will clear, then un-clear.
Posted Mon 10 Feb 2025 13.14 by mjones
I did over 3 months treatment 3 times per week at the specialists surgery in their upright UV capsule. It made no difference to my plaque or guttate psoriasis,
Posted Tue 11 Feb 2025 07.50 by bargainlovingmum
Thanks, Yacht - that’s useful to hear. I’ll keep going but I know it will almost certainly come back, too, so I’ll keep a hold of my UVB!
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