Hair removal

Posted Sat 11 Jan 2025 16.44 by Purpleeffie

Hi I was wondering if anyone can advise based on their experiences of guttate psoriasis on their legs and groin. I use dermol 500 and hydromol only to wash and moisturise and with that I see to manage the redness and flaking of guttate psorisis. However I can't seem to shave my legs without the re growth causing awful itching which no amount of hydromol can stop. I can't use medicated 'chub rub' cream. I can't get laser due to some other medication I'm on. I don't have it with arm pits despite having guttate spots all over at some point. I was thinking of getting waxed again as the wax at the place I go to is safe but was wondering if anyone had any ideas of successful hair removal with least itchy grow back? I use electric razor to avoid soap and its a wet/dry one so keep moisturising. I know this seems vain but I have v dark thick hair and can't wear tights and I would like to get my legs out or be able to go for a swim.

Posted Sun 12 Jan 2025 08.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I am a man, and I used to get what my GP and I figured out was a combination of psoriasis and fungal infection in my groin. I began to regularly wax at a salon, and this improved the groin significantly. The lady who ran the place and waxed customers ws familiar with psoriasis, and said that many of her clients reported that waxing seemed to help the psoriasis and at the very least did not seem to inflame it further.

Posted Tue 14 Jan 2025 17.49 by Purpleeffie

OK thanks for sharing that is good to know. I wish I had the courage to wax myself!

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